July 29, 2015

Good morning, Father.

As we prepare for promotion for the next calendar school year, I want to end my time with these children strong. May I continue to foster confidence and Your love in them in all I do and say. The end result will be surrounding these children’s hearts with your peace. Give each of them Your “calm” to walk through their days reflecting You. (Read John 14:27.)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for August 2

Bible Story: “Jesus Taught About Prayer”
(Matthew 4:23-25; 5:1-2; 6:5-1)

Babies will continue to learn more about prayer as they grow. As you interact with them, use simple “thank you” sentence prayers, spoken with reverence and in a soft voice. For example: “Thank You, God, for Ava. Thank You that Ava can touch the picture.” Speak these simple sentences with reverence and a soft voice. Babies will since your sincerity and enjoy the exchange. You will have their attention when you mention their names. As you interact and build relationships with babies, you are helping them build a foundation for understanding more of Jesus’ love for them.

One year olds may not understand the word pray but they will understand the words “talk to.” Help them understand that they can talk to God. Children are building an understanding of God by hearing you talk to God. As you use the Bible, briefly tell the Bible story. Use a small blanket to cover the Bible in the room. Draw children’s attention to the blanket. When a child moves the blanket, say: “Bible. The Bible tells me about God. God hears me when I talk to him.” You might place a marker in the Bible at Matthew 6:6, “Talk to God.” Open the Bible, point to the verse, and read the words “Talk to God.” Cover the Bible again and watch as a child uncovers the Bible. Repeat the words again. Perhaps another child will be interested as well. Have fun!

Every preschooler enjoys being praised and appreciated. As you talk to a child this week about prayer, tell her, “I can say thank you to God for (insert child’s name).” Continue: “God likes to hear me talk to Him. You can talk to God, too. You can tell God thank you for your family.” Use the time as you play alongside twos to mention simple prayer thoughts such as: “ThankYou, God, for friends (name a few children in the room). Thank You, God, for teachers who take care of me and love me.” Children learn through example; by hearing you talk to God in simple sentences, they learn to talk to Him, too.

Create a game about talking and praying to God. Gather one beanbag and print six statements, each on individual sheets of paper (8½ x 11 inches). The statements should be prayer opportunities, such as: I can thank God for my friends, I can thank God for my family, I can thank God for my church, I can thank God for my teachers, I can thank God for food to eat, and I can thank God for water to drink. Copy these samples on colorful construction paper. As you set up the game, turn the sheets over so children can’t see the writing. When a child has a turn tossing the beanbag onto the sheet of his choice, turn it over and read the statement. Lead the child to pray the thank-you prayer. Say, “Talking to God is also called praying.”

Encourage each child to make a “prayer bag.” Supply strips of paper and a small lunch sack for each child. Provide stickers and colored markers for children to decorate their sacks. Print simple prayer statements for kindergartners to copy onto the strips of paper. Encourage them to choose a strip each day for prayer. Statements to include are below.
• Thank You, God, for family (encourage the children to print their family members’ names).
• Thank You, God, for friends (help the children print their friends’ names).
• Thank You, God, for my church.
• Thank You, God, for food to eat.
• Thank You, God, for my teachers.
• Thank You, God, for hearing my prayers.
• Thank You, God, loving me.

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July 22, 2015

Good morning, Father.

As the beginning of the school year approaches, our preschoolers will begin journeys with new teachers and friends. For some children that will be hard. So I am asking that You help them develop a strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realization that they are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:10).  Show me ways I can instill in them their true worth and value. Thank You, Father, for allowing me to be a part of their lives this past year.

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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July 15, 2015

Good morning, Father.

Sadly, we live in a society that is all about “me” and “mine.”  My prayer today is that You would help the children I teach to develop servants’ hearts and that they would serve wholeheartedly, as if they were serving You and not men. Show me how I can begin to instill a heart of compassion in the children I teach. Open their hearts to the “least of these,” that they may serve as You prompt them.

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for July 12

Bible Story: “Samuel’s Birth and Calling” (1 Samuel 1:1—4:1)

Our Bible story today is a great example of Hannah’s worship and obedience. She took Samuel to the temple to stay and serve with Eli. What are the important things we can share with the children who come to our classrooms today? Our children will learn from you that church is a happy place to be and that you will meet their needs for love and acceptance. We know that Samuel grew up to be a godly man. Today you have the opportunity to help a child feel accepted and loved, just as Eli did for Samuel. Children learn best in an environment that is designed to allow them to have a variety of intentional choices from which to play. Choose toys that will allow them to use newfound skills to encourage movement and manipulation and will increase their ability to make good choices.

One year olds are fun to be with. They can be demanding at times because they are learning so much and want to try everything in the room. Remember that too many toys can be frustrating for them. Not every child will need a toy of his own. Utilize blocks and books that offer variety as well as large motor skills toys. Ones will learn to take turns and be mindful of others when they have fewer toys to use. Children learn how to treat others by the way you treat them and other children in the room. Just as Samuel learned from Eli in the temple, you are teaching them to be helpers. Use words and phrases such as helping, being kind, and caring for our friends as you interact with the children.

Twos are excited to try new things from Sunday to Sunday. Measure their growth this Sunday. Guide the child to stand against a wall and measure his height with yarn. Cut the yarn and place it in a small zip-lock bag. Comment: “You are growing like Samuel did. Samuel grew and helped Eli in the temple.” Remark that as Samuel grew each year his mother brought him a new coat. Say, “Your mother gives you new clothes to wear as you grow, too.”

Here is a group-time activity you might find fun. Print each question below on a sheet of construction paper. Tape the questions on the walls around the room just before you tell the Bible story. After telling the story of Samuel, call on individual children to find a question sheet on a wall and bring it to you. Use the questions to help the group recall the story.
• What did God give Hannah?
• Who did Samuel help in the temple?
• Samuel heard a voice calling him. Who was calling him?
• How many times did God call Samuel?
• What kinds of things do you think Samuel did to help Eli in the Temple?

During group time use these statements to talk about what we do at church and what church helpers do at church. You may choose to write these down and place around the room just prior to group time. Allow the children to find the statements.
• Church helpers teach about God.
• People at church love one another.
• People at church help others.
• At church people have different jobs.
• People at church—
Sing songs
Pray to God
Give offerings
Read the Bible
Worship God


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July 8, 2015

Good morning, Father.

Sometimes the Bible stories we share in Sunday School are difficult for my children to grasp. For example, why would anyone want to crucify Jesus? And how could He love those who persecuted Him? God’s mercy for people is undeniable truth. He pursues His own as the Hound of Heaven. God, help me teach my children how to pray for those who do wrong to (persecute) them. Help them see wrongdoers the way You see them.

“Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.” (Luke 6:36, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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July 1, 2015

Good morning, Father.

I am thankful to live in America where I can worship You openly, embrace freedoms daily, and pursue dreams that I believe You instill in my heart. This is my prayer for my preschoolers: “Help them to walk in integrity and honesty and be blameless in all their ways so when the day comes no one can talk evil of them. May integrity and honesty be their virtue and their protection.” ( See Psalm 25:21.)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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