October 5, 2016

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray for these children.

Father, as teachers and parents, we do our best to protect our children. We practice safety in the car, crossing the street, on the playground, and in the classroom. We take our children to pediatricians for illnesses and checkups and try to follow their guidelines for living healthy lives. But as You are well aware, Lord, a source of evil exists that prowls to destroy Your children. You call him evil, the deceiver, or Satan. Today I am praying that You protect these precious preschoolers from the evil one in each area of their lives: spiritual, emotional, and physical.

“. . . The world hated them because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world.”
(John 17:14, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

September 28, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray for these children.

Father, last week I prayed that these young children would begin to understand the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and yes and no. The concept of sin is difficult for children this age to grasp as they are so literal in their thinking. I am praying that these children will be caught when guilty–whether it be an innocent impulse of taking gum when leaving the checkout counter with mom or slipping an awesome piece of Lego in a pocket upon leaving the classroom. My desire is that children be caught and lovingly disciplined in those teachable moments so that they learn that You desire honesty as they grow. Help them to grow as Jesus grew.

“It was good for me to be afflicted so that I could learn Your statutes.” (Psalm 119:71, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

September 21, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray for these children.

Father, as I think about these young children, the concept of sin is hard to grasp. As their teacher, help me to teach them the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and yes and no. Life scenarios involve choices. I want these preschoolers to develop hearts and minds that will choose Your best and say no to sin. I want them to choose Jesus, Your Son, for life.

“You who love the LORD, hate evil! He protects the lives of His godly ones; He rescues them from the hand of the wicked.” (Psalm 97:10, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

September 14, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray for these children.

Father, it is my heart’s desire that these preschoolers are kept safe. Remind me that there is a reason that BBC has a security plan and I need to follow it, even if I am friends with the parents of my children. Circumstances can happen unaware. I am asking you to protect and place a hedge around these children from evil situations, friends that are not good for them, and their physical protection as they come and go on this property. Thank You for being: Lord who is there.

“Therefore, this is what I will do: I will block her way with thorns; I will enclose her with a wall, so that she cannot find her paths.” (Hosea 2:6, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

September 7, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Teach me how to pray for these children. Father, help me to be mindful to pray for the spiritual condition of the preschoolers that I serve for You. It is of value that they see You modeled in me and others daily. My heart’s desire is that they know Christ as their Savior early in life. Protect them from the enemy and grow in them a heart for You.

“God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You. I thirst for You: my body faints for You in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water.” (Psalm 63:1, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

August 31, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Lord, I remember how quickly preschoolers grow, especially their feet! They need new shoes for every season, it seems like. As these boys and girls continue to grow, I pray that You will direct their steps. Help them to stand. Teach them to walk in and on the right path in life. Protect them from stumbling.

“My steps are on Your paths; my feet have not slipped.” (Psalm 17:5, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

August 24, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation. Father, our kids in preschool are growing physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. I pray that as they grow,  they would not walk in the step with the wicked nor stand in the way of sinners. I pray that they would find wise, godly companions along life’s journey, even at an early age. Show me how to foster such growth in the children You have entrusted to my care.

“How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path of sinners, or join a group of mockers!” (Psalm 1:1, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

August 17, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation.

Father, our kids in preschool are busy. Their hands are everywhere–on blocks, play dishes, dolls, dress-up clothing, crayons, legos, toys, puzzles, and sometimes each other. Help me to instruct children positively when hands are idle, not on task, or where they shouldn’t be. Help the girls and boys learn to be diligent in their work and respectful of their friends. Lord, bless, confirm, and establish the work of their hands.

“Idle hands make one poor, but diligent hands bring riches. The son who gathers during summer is prudent; the son who sleeps during harvest is disgraceful.” (Proverbs 10:4-5, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

August 10, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation.

Father, I desire to pray for the preschoolers I encounter as we continue to experience promotion in all areas of Preschool at BBC. Father, I know that things are not settled yet with promotion. Parents are running late; kids may be in the wrong rooms; and there is a lot of crying, clinging to parents, and insecurity. Help the children to feel loved, safe, and, most of all, happy to be at church. Give the teachers an extra measure of grace during these times. Prompt the parents to be on time as they drop off as well as pick up their preschoolers. No child likes to be the one arriving late or the last one to be picked up. Timeliness is how to begin this year. Thank You, Lord, for Your help.

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
(Proverbs 2:6, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,

August 3, 2016

Good morning, Father.

During 2016 help me to be faithful in my prayer walk. It is most important that we who serve preschoolers remember to pray for the next generation.

Father, I desire to pray for the preschoolers I encounter as we experience Promotion Day in all areas of preschool at BBC. Help me be a positive influence in these lives that do matter to You. Help me to be a good listener, to be a voice of encouragement, and to always share Your truth in ways that their age group will understand. May there be a quick bond between me and the children, as well as with their parents. I desire that my influence and example bring workers into Your field. Thank You for the honor of serving in preschool.

“The one who lives with integrity is righteous; his children who come after him will be happy.” (Proverbs  20:7, HCSB)

In the powerful name of Jesus,
Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/BBC Prayer Room Ministry

Campus(es): ,