Engage Middle Tennessee – Part 2

Jay Fennell shares his thoughts on how to disciple and Jason Dukes shares on serving and learning in this second in a series of four videos on Engaging Middle Tennessee.
[vimeo 161648028 w=600 h=381]

Questions to stimulate conversation in your LIFE Group:

  • Why do you think that disciples of Jesus tend to compartmentalize disciple-making as one area of life rather than integrating disciple-making into all areas of life? Do you think it’s significant that Jesus told His disciples “what” to do – which is make disciples, rather than telling them “when” to make disciples? Why or why not?
  • What things need to change in your life so that disciple-making becomes a natural rhythm of your life? What daily rhythms do you have that could be intentionally refocused for the purpose of making disciples?
  • Have you ever thought to invite a lost person to serve alongside you as an idea to introduce them to Jesus? What sort of impact do you think it could make?

Engage Middle Tennessee – Part 1

Jason Dukes, Church Multiplication Minister, shares his thoughts on serving others in this first in a series of four videos on Engaging Middle Tennessee.
[vimeo 160801274 w=600 h=381]
Questions to stimulate conversation in your LIFE Group:

  • If you had to summarize how Jesus made disciples in no more than five to seven words, what would you say and why?
  • Do you agree with the four elements of the disciple-making rhythms of Jesus as Jason described them in the video – invited them to serve, invited them to debrief, invited them to learn, invited them to invite others along? What might you say to help clarify the four suggested? What others would you add?
  • Is there a difference between discipleship as it has been done traditionally in the church and disciple-making as Jesus did it? If so, what are some of the differences?
  • Why did Jesus heal the sick, teach the seeker, and love the poor? Was it for the sake of those He was serving? Was it for the sake of the 12 lost men He invited along with Him to serve? Or both? Why does this matter to us as we are sent to make disciples?