Our Metrics: Spiritual Challenge Questions

By Paul Wilkinson

Flowing out of our Mission Statement, Values, and 5-Year Vision are our metrics for measuring our success toward that vision. I am excited that these are qualitative rather than quantitative metrics.  We call these our Spiritual Challenge Questions, of which there are 5:

  1.   How are you being changed by Jesus?
  2.   How are you being discipled, and who are you discipling?
  3.   When and where are you experiencing life-giving biblical community?
  4.   Who are the lost people you’re praying for and having Gospel Conversations
  5.   What is breaking your heart in the world, and what are you doing about it?

We’ve been mentioning these in leader gatherings, lunches, podcast, and other communication venues. We have the cards that are easily distributable available for you and your groups:

I’ve been edified by using these challenge questions in my daily devotions and it has helped me frame how I’m discipling a few young men currently. I encourage you to incorporate these questions into your devotions and to sprinkle them into your teaching as they relate. We must continue to equip and encourage our group members to become disciples of Jesus who make disciples with Jesus.
**Reminder – the “Just Like Barnabas” sermon series will begin on October 7. Find the link to the online curriculum here and know that we have about 1000 participant guide books, hardcopy, available for you and your group members here at the Brentwood Campus. Just let your discipleship minister know what you need and he’ll be in touch with us.

Gospel Transformation on the Brentwood Baptist LIFE Group Leader Podcast

Find below this week’s podcast on the Current Foundations (Sermon Series) lesson: Gospel Transformation from 1 Peter 2:9-17. I wanted to remind you that this podcast is available weekly. Please tell me what sort of content you’d like for the podcast and I will incorporate it. Just email me: [email protected]. I want this resource to be edifying, encouraging, and beneficial to LIFE Group leaders. Find the podcast homepage and more episodes HERE.

I should have said 1 Peter 2.9-17 in the intro . . . WHOOPS!
00:49 Recap of Disciple Making Strategy
03:51 First thoughts on 1 Peter 2.9-17
04:13 Thinking 4th dimensionally: Who are you becoming?
06:08 Understanding measured by obedience
08:47 The Holy Spirit empowers obedient, righteous living
11:06 Some works of the Holy Spirit
13:31 Can we live on mission without being transformed? Christians are a peculiar people.
18:04 How do we relate to human authorities?
23:07 Royal Priesthood, Temples, and the indwelling Holy Spirit.