Praying for the Lost and Searching

By Paul Wilkinson

Shelly and I are working with an organization this week in Jamaica called American Caribbean Experience (ACE). They essentially do the Middle Tennessee Initiative in rural Jamaica, focusing on healthcare, education, poverty, and spiritual development. We went to church yesterday at High Gate Gospel Chapel and, shockingly, they have a very similar discipleship strategy as us: being faithful followers of Jesus while making followers of Jesus, cf. being disciples of Jesus while making disciples with Jesus. I say “shockingly” in jest, because Bible believing congregations throughout the world who take the Great Commission seriously will have that same strategy. An elder preached instead of the pastor and he said this: “Witnessing to unbelievers begins by praying for them and praying for ourselves, that the Spirit will work through you for them.
The elder’s comment prompted my mind to an old evangelist question: if God answered “Yes!” to every one of your prayers, how many new believers would there be? For years, for me, the answer was zero. I didn’t have compassion for the lost and searching like I should have, even though I was being trained in seminary to reach them! The knowledge and ability to evangelize the lost and searching does not create in us a will to evangelize the lost and searching; prayer brings our will in line with God’s so that we become passionate for and compassionate towards the lost and searching. The elder was correct: it all starts with prayer. I challenge you to challenge your groups this week as we get ready for Group Connect (August 29) and Fall New Group launches: if God answered all of the prayers of our group with a resounding, “YES!” how many new citizens of the kingdom would there be; how many people would be saved?
Encourage them to have 3 people in their minds at all times for whom they are praying to come to faith. If they don’t know three lost people, then encourage them to pray for God to make them aware of friends with 3 lost people that they can pray for. Share with them your handful of lost and searching people that you pray for to give them a model. But don’t forget to encourage them to pray for themselves, as well, that they’d have the boldness to share, a sound gospel message, and  a confident personal testimony when the time comes.

Remember the Welcome–Launch Rally on Sunday, August 5!

4:00 PM – Leaders will gather in Hudson Hall
6:00 PM – Burgers and Hot Dogs on the Lawn for the whole family

Please RSVP to help us plan!


Who Is Eddie Mosley? Part 2

By Eddie Mosley

You’ve been here about 2 months now: what have you learned and what are you learning?
I’m excited to be at Brentwood Baptist. The people are far more loving than I even anticipated. I knew they’d be accepting, but the loving nature of the people at Brentwood Baptist has been overwhelming. Our community needs that love, the interaction of Brentwood Baptist people in their neighborhoods and communities whether that be sports, at the gym, kids, schools, whatever. We have so much opportunity for investment in our communities through our passions. This community needs the love of Brentwood Baptist.
I’ve learned that the church is very organized and detailed which translates into quality Bible study, quality care, quality ministry, and I’ve really come to appreciate that over the last few months as my father has battled pneumonia with 2 weeks hospitalization at Centennial. I’ve learned Brentwood Baptist from a different side: as a member, as a friend, not just as a staff person.
I’m spending these few months getting to know people in the community, as well. I’m excited about August 19 for Group Connect, launching new groups, and adding to our existing groups. The sermon series that we’re tying the Bible study to each week is about making disciples; perfect opportunity for us to begin to realize that God has put us on the street where we live intentionally, not by accident, not by getting a good deal, not because we’re good negotiators, but because that’s where God intended us to be as an influence for Him.
If we can engage our neighbors by being Jesus to the people on our street, it’s going to make a difference. Beginning in August, we’re going to learn more about that, incorporating it into Bible study and daily devotionals, and being His example where we’re already doing life.

Eddie Mosley is the Adult Minister–Groups, Brentwood Campus, Brentwood Baptist Church.