Application for Themselves: The Necessity of Bible Intake by Group Members

By Paul Wilkinson
  • If only the leader is in the text daily, then only the leader is sensitive to the Spirit’s quickening: seeing the Scripture in life.
  • Therefore, we must provide opportunity for our group members to be in the text daily.

We must give some application points to our group members; that’s part of being a good teacher. Just consider the Great Commission: teach them to obey. However, even though we can cater application to a group of 12 better than the preacher can to thousands, we still won’t be able to hit the “personal” for everyone. Now, add into that the old mantra that the Sunday School teacher is the only one who grows, and you have a recipe for the status quo.
My theory is that we leaders are steeped in the biblical text each week so that we see what the Spirit brings to our attention and we can respond to it in the power of the Spirit. In other words, our Bible saturation calibrates our spiritual sensitivities to the quickening of the Holy Spirit. Now imagine that you weren’t the teacher and that you didn’t steep yourself in the text. Instead, you show up to a group not having read anything, ready for the leader to tell you what to do. Is that disciple-making?
I encourage you to drive your groups into the Bible regularly, if not daily. I’ve chosen to teach our Current Foundations Series to align with the sermons so that I can send the participant’s guide to my group early in the week and they can steep themselves in the texts, discussion questions, and application points (not to mention, the JourneyOn Today Daily Bible Reading app!)
If you’re teaching a book of the Bible, give the group something to read each day: some cross references, a participant’s guide, etc. If you’re using Past Foundation’s Series, then each lesson has biblical text attached that could be worked through each day.
Our people will not see the Scripture in their lives if we don’t challenge them to be in the text for themselves. Let’s push them to engage the Word daily!

Paul Wilkinson is the Adult Minister–Groups Associate, Brentwood Campus, Brentwood Baptist Church.



By Sonnie Bain

Sonnie Bain has written our blog for today. May you find it an encouragement about the great hospitality in our groups and a challenge to begin inviting the lost and searching into our communities to experience that kindness of Christ. Thank you, Sonnie, for taking such good care of our groups and loving our leaders well.
Paul Wilkinson, Adult Minister–Groups Associate

A few years ago, Williamson County schools adopted the simple mantra, “BE NICE.”  It started at Fairview High School as a way to create a culture of kindness in their school.  After witnessing the success, the school district expanded the message to all 44 county schools.  What a wonderful character trait to teach our young people – to practice kindness in their everyday lives.  They made bumper stickers, they created T-shirts, and they took great pride in working together to create a movement that started showing up all across social media and around the world.  In fact, September has been declared “BE NICE Month” in Williamson County.
I remember how this movement transformed our community when it started and grew.  I wonder what would happen if the adults created that type of movement.  Children have a special wonder and excitement that we should all try to emulate from time to time. 
As I have been visiting Sunday morning LIFE Groups, I have seen how the “BE NICE” mantra is revealed in our people.  It shows up in the way they take care of their own.  They know their fellow class members very well, they are a part of each other’s lives, and they support and care for one another.  It was fascinating to see how involved they were in the relationships within that group.  They knew how and what to pray for when their people were going through loss or grief.  They kept up with each other’s burdens, whether they involved health, finances, relationships or just living.  They also shared in praises for the ways God has worked in their lives.
So, thank you to the leaders and teachers of our LIFE Groups, for loving your groups and working to make community so important.  I applaud the class members for loving each other well.  I will certainly keep visiting, as I have enjoyed meeting you and being a part of your groups. 
Keep up the good work that God has started in you and, above all, BE NICE.

Sonnie Bain is the Administrative Assistant in the Adult Ministry–Groups, Brentwood campus, Brentwood Baptist Church.   [email protected]