Truth: Defending the Faith – Part 3

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The early church not only faced persecution from Rome but even faced the threat of some people redefining the Gospel from within the church. Religious groups with competing theologies made their way into the local church and confused many by offering different views on salvation. This problem is still one we face today in the modern church. Defenders of the faith like Irenaeus helped guide the early church through dangerous waters against threats within and without.

Truth: Defending the Faith – Part 2

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Under Roman persecution in the beginning years of the early church, stories of powerful and inspiring faith emerged. The truth of the Gospel was spreading through the Roman empire and people whose lives had been transformed by Christ refused to deny Him no matter the threat. Perpetua, a young lady from Carthage in North Africa, recorded her experience as a Christian facing the might of Rome. Her story inspired many to stand firm, and inspires followers of Christ just as powerfully today no matter what opposition we might face.