3 Ways to Minister to a Group Member Who Is Hurting

By Susan Hill

In LIFE Groups, there will be times when group members are faced with difficult circumstances. It might be the death of a loved one, a hospitalization or illness, job loss, or a variety of other issues that cause the group member to be in a season of high stress.
During these times, it is especially important to be supported in biblical community. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
So how does a LIFE Group respond when a group member is in a difficult season?

  1. It’s important to reach out to the group member so he or she doesn’t feel alone. A simple phone call goes a long way in ministering to a person in need. In seasons of struggle, it’s common to feel isolated so reaching out is a great first step.
  2. It’s a good idea to see if there is a tangible need your group can provide. Would it be helpful if someone delivered a meal? Does the group member need a ride or help around the house? Would the group member appreciate visitors? It’s beneficial to access the situation and then decide how the group can minister most effectively.
  3. Be sure to cover the group member in prayer. In times of distress, it is important for the group member to know that their friends in biblical community are praying. Consider sending a card, text, email, or giving them a call to let them know you are praying.

In a LIFE Group community, it’s essential that we love each other well. For the group to run smoothly and to be sure everyone’s needs are met, it’s best to delegate these types of needs to an “L” Leader. The “L” function of the LIFE Group represents “Loving One Another” and it’s an important aspect of all good LIFE Groups. No one likes to go through seasons of distress but, when the body of Christ responds in a loving way, these times are more bearable and can even be seasons of spiritual growth.

Prayer Time in Your LIFE Group

by Jay Fennell

Prayer time in the LIFE Group gathering is a very important time. It’s a benefit of “life together” in community and comforting to know that other Christ followers are praying with you and for you. So prayer time must be considered important every time the LIFE Group gathers at their regular meeting time.
But In my years of leading a LIFE Group and interacting with other LIFE Groups, I’ve observed how leaders handle prayer time in many different ways. Some ways are effective, but sometimes prayer time in LIFE Groups can get out of hand….dozens of requests voiced and the real pressure to pray for each individual request. If you’re not careful or organized, this process can take over half the time your group meets.   
Is your group prayer time lasting too long and cutting into the teaching/facilitating time? Do you need to bring order to your prayer time?
Consider these 5 ideas:

  1. Move prayer time to the last 5 minutes of class.
  2. Ask members to write their requests on a sheet that is passed around. Have someone copy the sheet to share with the class; one person reads the list (always takes less time than persons telling their story) and prays.
  3. Pass out index cards; ask them to put requests and their names on cards; redistribute the cards asking the class to pray.
  4. Keep an ongoing sheet with the regular requests on it so they don’t have to be shared again every week.
  5. Divide into prayer groups (leader with 3-5 people) and ask them to take 5 minutes to share requests and pray.