Transformational LIFE Strategy Refresher

By Paul Wilkinson

The Transformational LIFE Strategy (TLS) helps us frame the call to kingdom living. It is firstly, an encouragement and guide to the disciple of Jesus in seeking to imitate Jesus in word and deed. Secondarily, it is an organizational structure for our groups such that they live out the call to abundant life. Periodically, I use TLS to evaluate my own obedience and affection toward the Lord. I encourage you to do the same for yourself, your family, and your group. Find below the description of the function and a few examples. If you don’t have group members who fulfill these functions, begin praying that the Spirit might quicken someone towards that ministry.

L – Love one another. Jesus says in John 13:35, by this they will know that you are my disciples: that you have love for one another. Jesus is talking to his 12 there, not the entirety of the masses who followed him.

  • Praying for and with the group
  • Ministry in and out of crisis
  • Care groups for ministry and encouragement

I – Involved in community. The early church gathered in the temple daily and broke bread house by house. (Acts 2:40ff) They were together, daily . . . may we strive for that!

  • Dinner groups that meet monthly
  • Seasonal parties
  • Group outings to ball games, retreats, etc.

F – Focused on God’s Word. The early church devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42) and Jesus said that if we abide in His word, then we are His disciples. (John 8:31)

  • Teach the Bible in its historical, cultural, and grammatical context
  • Model and train your group to read the Bible well and to read it daily; give a set of Scriptures to be read each week before the lesson
  • Give 1-3 ways the group should “live out” the text each week

E – Engage the world. We are called to disciple all people by baptizing them and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded. (Matthew 28:19-20) To do that, we must get into our communities?

  • Adopt a project by partnering with a local missions partner; take a mission trip every so often to model it for your group
  • Keep an ongoing list of lost people to pray for and pray for foreign missionaries (find some specific ones)
  • Invite one or two like-gendered people to be discipled by you with the intent that they would then disciple 2 others.

We must, as leaders, demonstrate for our people and do to our people those things we expect them to live out and remain faithful to. We, as leaders, are called to equip the saints for the work of ministry. We are here to support you and partner with you in that calling.

Group First Impressions: Armen’s Take

By Paul Wilkinson

As I contemplated the blog for this week, it struck me that I have with me an example of someone who walked into a group without any prior information and stuck to it. Armen is interning in the Adult Discipleship department with me. If you haven’t met him yet, then you will be meeting him in the near future (and if you want a PhD Theologian to chat with, contact him!). I encouraged Armen to visit a group that fits his demographic and compare it with some of the other groups that he had visited on the Brentwood campus and groups he experienced elsewhere. Armen truly felt as if he belonged to the group and has continued to engage with them: building relationships, substitute teaching, and helping with outreach. Here were the 3 major sticking points for Armen:

  • Community Feel
    • I felt encouraged by seeing a group of people who are trying to seek Christ.
  • Strong Teaching
    • A teacher who seeks to tell me what the Bible is saying, and challenging me by asking: are you living out the Bible’s teaching?
  • Big to Small
    • The group made a big church like Brentwood Campus feel small, especially, when I would see people in the hallways that I knew from group (not to mention them sitting together in worship service!).

Keep these points in mind. We do them very well as groups, but we could always make subtle improvements. Do you invite visitors to sit with you in worship or into smaller care groups? Do you have some outreach, invitation initiatives going? What are a few things that you could push between now and summer that might turn GREAT into REALLY GREAT!!
Paul Wilkinson is the Adult Minister–Groups Associate, Brentwood Baptist Church.