Psalms of Wisdom

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The Psalms have been the hymn book, prayer book, and poetic expression that have helped voice the prayers of God’s people for centuries. The Psalms capture the heart of worship and provide the language for believers to pour out their heart to God, through praise, lament, thanksgiving, and musings on the meaning of life. The Psalms give voice to the wide range of human emotions, but always with a God-ward focus. Watch this compelling video as an introduction to the Psalms, and especially the Psalms of Wisdom.

Week 4 – Practicing Meditation

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Where do you start meditating? We are inundated by the Information Age, but anemic to spiritual growth. It isn’t what you feel most deeply about, but rather what you think about deeply. Meditation leads to obedience, and obedience leads to God’s blessings. Dr. Whitney presents methods on where to begin meditating and how to maintain the methods.