Living Eternally

By Eric Warren

I’ve done a lot of work with youth over the years. Between the Student Ministry here at Brentwood Baptist and my involvement with Young Life, I get a front row seat to all of the passing fads that sweep through young people’s culture. A few years ago, a phrase swept through high schoolers and filtered down to other age groups, as well; the term was YOLO. YOLO was an acronym for “You Only Live Once”and usually gave some neurotic teen justification enough to do something insane.
“Jump from the roof of the house, onto the trampoline and into the pool? YOLO.”
“Going 90 mph down Wilson Pike because I’m late for school? YOLO.”
You get the point.
However silly this all may be, is it really all that different from a greater cultural teaching that we buy into wholesale? In 2007, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in The Bucket List. Everyone and their mother wrote out a list of things to accomplish before they “kicked the bucket”after they saw that movie. You yourself may have one. Don’t get me wrong, there is not a thing wrong with living adventurously, but there are those who live life according to this misconception, that their next breath may be their last and then that will be all she wrote.
I have heard many descriptions of what the Christian life should look like. I have heard elaborate discourses talking about the lengthy and unending processes of sanctification, but I have also heard it put short and sweet. Being a Christian and living as a Christian means living eternally now. The ways of this Earth lose their appeal because we have gotten a taste of something that we will one day know fully and will be immersed with for all of time – Jesus. My last devotion with you was a bit on the bleaker side of things and a little tough to chew on because there truly is a cost in following Christ, but there is also such sweet victory to be had in clinging to His name.
John’s Revelation speaks of the day when we no longer speculate, when we no longer see dimly but clearly the God of the Universe. In the fourth chapter, we gain a glimpse of the throne room where Christ, in all of His magnitude, will be justly seated and everyone around him will do nothing but lay themselves prostrate at his feet and cry “Holy” with the utmost joy in their hearts. Chapter seven speaks of the multitudes of people that will be before the Lord. Every tribe and tongue will be represented, proclaiming the greatness of God Almighty.

Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.                                        Revelation 7:15-17 

I take inventory of my life. I weigh the scales and come to one conclusion; I fall so incredibly short of any sort of reward such as this. To sit on this, to read it over and over and know that this is for eternity, I can do nothing but sit in shock. What a scandal! Scandal, let’s break down that word a bit. We gain insight as to what that word means every time we walk through the check-out aisle at the grocery store. “People,” “Us Weekly,” they all are quick to dole out the latest gossip on the latest scandal in which someone was done such an injustice. This term definitely has a negative connotation in our cultural understanding of it. Scandal indicates that something terribly wrong has just taken place. “[B]ut God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
This is ultimate injustice. This is scandal that God saw fit to send His perfect Son to die for a sinner like me. This is a truth worth living for. This is not news that one takes in and decides to put off reacting to at a later date. No, this is news that rips one’s soul up in such joy that they decide to commit their lives fully to the God who fills their lungs with breath. We here at Brentwood Baptist pray that you take a moment to be romanced by this astounding news of the Gospel, the news of the Cross. Let that tingle shiver down your spine as you contemplate the moment when it all clicked for you. Whether you were a child or retired, God relentlessly pursued you because you bear His image, you have His name written all over you. We ask you once again to consider Group Connect and know that this event may be that next step for many in becoming wonderfully wrecked with God’s unmatched love.
Things to Pray For:

  • That every single person in attendance at Group Connect gets absolutely floored by the scandal that is the Gospel.
  • That we all may be good stewards of God’s holy mission that He has laid out before us.
  • That Lives. Be. Changed.

Cost of Discipleship

By Eric Warren

No one likes to be different.  As the old proverb goes, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered.”  If you’re as unfortunate as I am, you have quite the arsenal of stories that entail truly how awkward you were through the years of middle school and high school.  Looking back now, I can definitely laugh but, at the time, all I wanted was to be like my friends and not have much about me stick out that they could point and laugh at.  These days, I have the benefit of retrospect and, looking back, I should have cherished those little quirks and everything else that made me unique.  What we offer here at Brentwood Baptist is a life that is counter to “fitting in.”  Christianity has developed its own culture, especially here in the South, that includes a high regard for image and routine that does not exactly mirror authentic and genuine relationships.  We hope to provide something that flies in the face of that superficiality; however, there is a certain cost.
Something that Christ was very persistent in was His teaching that those who follow Him will suffer.  In so many words, “If you don’t suffer, you’re doing it wrong.”  In Matthew 10, Jesus talks about His followers being “sheep amidst the wolves,” which doesn’t need much explanation.  Those who dare to claim the name of Jesus have a huge target painted on their back.  Being a true follower of Jesus is different; you stick out and, as said earlier, the nail that sticks out gets hammered.  Christ called his first disciples away from their boats, away from their jobs.  In today’s day and age, a lot of people find their worth and their definition in their job; so, to be called away like this would be giving up a huge part of what defines you in this worldly life.  You’d better believe that life with Jesus is different.  A couple chapters earlier, we are given the account of one who passionately wishes to follow Jesus and His ministry.  His only request to Jesus was that he be allowed to go home and bury his father, to which Christ said, “No, follow me completely or not at all.”  You’d better believe that life with Christ is different, it’s counter to the ways of the world and there is a cost in following Him.
This is a somewhat bleak message that I am sharing with you; I understand that.   Last week, I shared with you an importance of being fed by Scripture and not just the portions that make us feel warm and fuzzy, but also the parts that make us feel convicted, that put a pit in our stomachs.  Those portions are just as important to our nourishment because they only reveal the gravity and the power of God’s saving Grace.  Christ prepares us for such adversity in His teachings in John’s gospel account when He says, “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”He also provides us encouragement by stating immediately before, “However the World may hate us as followers of Christ, know that the World hated Him first.”
Again, I know this is not necessarily the most uplifting message to take in, but consider this.  We are on the brink of Group Connect on August 23, where we hope to attract mass amounts of people seeking to plug into LIFE Groups.  We have been inviting you to come alongside us in prayer for these Group Seekers, for everyone tied to the event, and for those in charge of facilitating it.  That request has not changed, but something we ask of you also is to pray for transformed hearts through these LIFE Groups.  Paul states in the twelfth chapter of Romans:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.                                                                             – Romans 12:2

 We ask you to pray not just for people to find nice social groups, not just friends, but life change and enduring, Christ-centered relationships.  There is a cost to following Jesus; it is counter to the ways of the World.  It’s not just a tweak here and there to make you a nicer person but a foundational change at the most basic level.  We want you to pray for hearts that either are genuinely captivated or will be genuinely captivated by Christ so that they can read news like how the world will hate them, and they will still see the immense joy behind such a statement, which is found in the truth that yes, the world will hate us, but the perfect and holy God is crazy about us.  That is true and genuine relationship that, in the midst of hard news, in the midst of difficulty and adversity, we still cling as hard as we can to our Heavenly Father.
Things to Pray For: 

  • Genuine relationships to be born and fed through these LIFE Groups.
  • For genuine hearts to live publicly so that Group Seekers can be given a clear picture of a captivated heart for Christ.
  • Hearts that are able to take in the hard news and still relentlessly pursue the ways of the Father with joy in their hearts.