3 BIG Things for this week: August 30

Each week we will share the NEXT step that will be presented to our congregation, a Group CHALLENGE, and a BEST practice for groups.

  • NEXT Step: For another week, there will be a call to be in ongoing biblical community.
  • Group CHALLENGE: We can still serve during Covid times:
    • send the names of any teachers, healthcare workers, frontline workers, etc. in your group to [email protected] so we can encourage them during these times.
    • BLOOD DRIVE is a great way to serve right now: Red Cross Mobile Blood Drive will be at the Brentwood Campus on August 31 from 4 – 8 pm. You can sign up to donate at RedCrossBlood.org and enter sponsor code: BrentwoodBaptist19. Serving with your Group could be a great time of fellowship and charity.
  • BEST PracticeChallenge your group to pray about and begin deciding how you might impact your local community. Empower someone in your group who is passionate about a charity to lead out in your groups local mission initiative.
Campus(es): Brentwood

3 BIG Things for this Week: August 23

Each week we will share the NEXT step that will be presented to our congregation, a Group CHALLENGE, and a BEST practice for groups.

  • NEXT Step: Anxiety will be a major emphasis in this week’s sermon with an emphasis towards finding help in community through support groups/counseling. Click HERE for support groups; HERE for more info care & support; click HERE for resources about mental health and anxiety.
  • Group CHALLENGE: This week is a great week for your co-leader/apprentice to teach. Letting this individual lead will demonstrate the qualities Paul sought to raise up in Timothy. Partner with your co-leader/apprentice to help them plan their approach to leading group this week.
  • BEST PracticeRemind your group members that we can help our friends, neighbors, and co-workers to deal with their anxiety by simply being in community. Encourage them to invite 1 friend to Bible study.
Campus(es): Brentwood