How does God Count Us?

By Julie Gilbreath, Brentwood Campus LIFE Group F Leader

Last week, I taught two seemingly unconnected lessons. One was from Acts 11, where Barnabas goes to Antioch, and the other was from Numbers, which included the census of the Israelites from chapter one. Since it’s not obvious on the surface, I probably never would have made the connection, had I not met with Paul Wilkinson for our Spring LIFE Group Leader Meeting. He gave me the outline of our church’s new 5-year vision for discipleship and explained that we are moving from quantitative counting (number-centered), to qualitative counting (people-centered). It was the word “counting” that popped into my head two days later and gave me a new insight into how God numbers us, and what really counts.
The book of Numbers opens with a census of the Israelites while they are still at Sinai. It’s been more than a year since the Exodus and they are getting ready to pack up and head toward the Promised Land. The main reason for the census was to form a military roster – there would be battles ahead. But what is surprising is the Hebrew phrase used in this passage to describe the act of counting: se’u et rosh. Literally, “lift the head.”
In most societies, size is power and strength lies in numbers. But God, who never relies on human strength or ability to accomplish His purposes, numbers us for a different reason. In his Covenant and Conversation series on Numbers, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks explains that this unusual Hebrew phrase indicates that when God counts us, He “lifts up our heads” so that He can look at us. The reason: because He loves us individually and calls us by name, not a number. So it’s no coincidence that just a few chapters later in Numbers 6, we read one of the most famous blessings in Scripture: The Priestly Blessing (or the Aaronic Blessing):

“The Lord bless you and keep (protect) you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (emphasis added)

God counts us by lifting our heads. Why? So he can turn His face toward us — look at us — to bless us, protect us, be gracious to us, and give us peace. Regardless of the total number, everyone is important.
Many centuries later in Acts 11, the Messianic community in Jerusalem heard about the spread of the gospel in Antioch among the Greeks, and how large numbers of people were turning to the Lord. They sent Barnabas, who witnessed the “evidence and grace of God” in Antioch, and he encouraged them to continue and remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Scripture describes Barnabas as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and an encourager – a head-lifter. And once again, we read that a great number of people were brought to the Lord.
So what’s the connection? Well, Barnabas, which means “Son of Encouragement,” was a nickname given by the other disciples because of his character and notable qualities. But his Hebrew name was Joseph, which means “May Jehovah add/give increase” or “God will increase.” Quantitative and qualitative . . . with God, we can have both.
What I learned from these two lessons is this: when we “lift the heads” of the people in our LIFE Groups, in the worship center, in an off-campus Bible study, our neighborhoods, offices, and in our own homes, we begin to see the difference between the way we count people and what really counts about people. Every person is created in the image of God, and when we see the way God sees, we will also count the way God counts – by looking at them, calling them by name, blessing them, and encouraging them to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.
When we count the way God counts, then God Himself will increase the numbers.

The Whole Gospel: Be Baptized

By Paul Wilkinson

It’s kind of a strange phrase, “The whole Gospel,” as if there are partial Gospels of Jesus contained in the Scriptures. The idea comes from Acts 2 when the hearers of Peter’s sermon ask what they should do in response to Jesus where Peter says, “Repent and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Repent, Be Baptized, Receive.
For those in a denomination like ours which desacralizes the sacraments by retaining only two of the big 7 and then calling them ordinances instead of sacraments (baptism and Eucharist), it may be strange to see the command to be baptized. How should we understand baptism for our groups and, as a corollary, understand both church and group membership in our groups?

  • Baptism is not a necessary condition of justification. Such a statement is clear in numerous texts: the thief on the cross is in paradise without baptism (Luke 23:33-43), the proconsul believed in Acts 13:6 but it was not recorded that he was baptized even though he was named, a bunch of Gentiles get saved in Acts 13:48 but it was not recorded that they were baptized, both Jews and Greeks were saved in Acts 14:1, a large group of God-fearing Greeks were saved in Acts 17:4, and a few names are listed as having been saved in Acts 17:34.
  • Baptism is not a necessary condition for receiving the Holy Spirit. Paul writes in Galatians 3:2, “Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by believing what you heard?” Paul reiterates this idea in 1 Corinthians 12:13, Romans 8:9 and Ephesians 1:13-14.
  • Baptism should be, and is at BBC, a necessary condition of becoming a part of the faith community. Baptism is the physical manifestation bearing witness to others that you have submitted your life to the person and work of Jesus. We symbolize Jesus’ burial and resurrection, as well as remain obedient to Jesus’ model (cf. Matthew 3:15).
  • We should elevate, in our groups, the importance of church membership in a local body and in a small group. As for the former, Acts 2:46a is clear that daily, these new believers gathered in the temple together and Acts 20:20 talks about public teaching. Moreover, Jesus regularly went to the temple (Luke 4:16). But we are also compelled, perhaps more rigorously, to be in a smaller fellowship of believers:
    • [they] broke bread from house to house. (Acts 2:46b)
    • And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing (Hebrews 10:24-25a)
    • Jesus gathered with the 12 disciples (John 13ff.)
    • Acts 20:20 also highlights teaching from house to house.

To be a disciple of Jesus, we must demonstrate our love for one another, as recorded in John 13:35. Jesus is talking to his closest disciples, the 12. We simply cannot be disciples of Jesus on an island, because this statement from Jesus is aimed squarely at the church for the church.
Thus, we must belong to a local fellowship of believers, gathering in large corporate worship and in small groups, to express Christ’s love to one another. And to truly belong, we must be baptized into the local fellowship as a witness of our testimony to believe and follow Jesus.