Building Good Relationships in LIFE Group: Faith Walk

From the Faith Walk Sunday AM LIFE Group

We use LIFE suggestions as our guide:
• We sit in an oval so we can see one another.
• We wear name tags. We sit by newcomers, talk with them, listen to them and introduce them.
• We try to follow up with them the next week, maybe invite them to other church events.
• We sit together and with visitors in worship.
• We have lunch together after worship at a designated restaurant.
• We have social events regularly, which are well planned and well attended.
• Prayer needs are mentioned, written down and sent out each week.
• We check on those sick, in the hospital, death in the family and other life needs and problems.
• We study the Bible, and now we are in the sermon curriculum. (We are prepared to hear our Pastor give us the REAL lesson afterward.)
• We read and share in discussion about the facts, insights, and application of the Scripture.
• Time for thoughts and responses from the group is built into the lesson plan.
• We sing a song often at the close of the lesson.
• We keep an ongoing Ministry Treasury and decide where it is needed among our church Mission Partners or group members.
• We support and participate in local missions such as Mission Work Day, food baskets, Copper Basin Ministry, Start Anew Christmas event.
• We share a devotional, music time, and fellowship with NHC patients once a month.
• Many of us participate in Women on Mission, which promotes mission learning, praying and serving.
• Many of us are in GNS (Good News Singers), which helps support our Resident Training Program.

Written by Creely Wilson, one of the F Leaders of Faith Walk. 

Missions, music and teaching have been the goals of my life through the church. I am grateful for the opportunity to do all three here at Brentwood. Blue Mountain was my college, with majors in Biblical Studies and Music Education. During husband Bill’s seminary days, I earned my PHT (Put Husband Through) degree. After 14 happy years in North Carolina, with a church start that God blessed above and beyond, Bill and I and our three children came to Brentwood for another Church Start.  We have been blessed to be in on God’s Miracle here at Brentwood.