Posts Tagged holiday

5 BIG Things for this Week: November 8

Jesus commands us to make disciples by: going, baptizing, and teaching to obey. Our strategy for making disciples with Jesus is to have Gospel Conversations to be GOING to our neighbors and nations, and to be a part of a GROUP that grows, cares, and equips.

  • Gospel Conversations: As the leader, your group will be only as vulnerable as you are. So, set the standard this week by sharing a Gospel Conversation testimony from your own life.
  • Going: Take time with you group to consider volunteering utilizing the Holiday Service Guide. Pray about lost friends and neighbors you can invite to serve with you, and then ask them.
  • Grow: Use the YouVersion app to regularly talk about your Bible reading “streak,” which is the number of days in a row you’ve read the Bible.
  • Care:

Ron Edmonson, our new Brentwood Campus pastor would like to get to know the Brentwood Campus group leaders and groups. Please invite him to be a part of your gathering, digital or otherwise, in the near future by emailing him: HERE. He’s excited to partner with you!

  • Equip: Part of making a disciple is learning our own testimony and helping others share theirs. Have someone in group (ask this person a few days before meeting time) share their testimony.

5 BIG Things for this Week: November 1

Wait! What happened to the 3 BIG things? Well, we are ready to begin (continue?) our ongoing conversation about Disciples multiplying Disciples. Jesus told us what to do and what he’d given us authority, power, and blessing to do: make disciples. And he told us how to do it: baptize, teach to obey, go. Our church family captures that Great Commission essence with the simple terms: Gospel Conversations, Groups, Going. And, we understand our groups as ongoing biblical communities that grow, care, and equip one another to make disciples. And thus is our kingdom business. So, each week we’ll have 5 BIG things anchored around Gospel Conversations, Going, Grow, Care, and Equip.

  • Gospel Conversations: Have at least one person share a Gospel Conversation they’ve had recently OR have each group member pray for one lost person in their life by name.
  • Going: Take time with you group to consider volunteering utilizing the Holiday Service Guide.
  • Grow: Use the YouVersion app to regularly talk about your Bible reading “streak,” which is the number of days in a row you’ve read the Bible.
  • Care: Spend 15 minutes during your group meeting for everyone in the group to unmute themselves and answer a fun icebreaker question. Find some ice breaker options HERE.
  • Equip: Part of making a disciple is learning our own testimony and helping others share theirs. Have someone in group (ask this person a few days before meeting time) share their testimony.