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Gospel Transformation on the Brentwood Baptist LIFE Group Leader Podcast

Find below this week’s podcast on the Current Foundations (Sermon Series) lesson: Gospel Transformation from 1 Peter 2:9-17. I wanted to remind you that this podcast is available weekly. Please tell me what sort of content you’d like for the podcast and I will incorporate it. Just email me: [email protected]. I want this resource to be edifying, encouraging, and beneficial to LIFE Group leaders. Find the podcast homepage and more episodes HERE.

I should have said 1 Peter 2.9-17 in the intro . . . WHOOPS!
00:49 Recap of Disciple Making Strategy
03:51 First thoughts on 1 Peter 2.9-17
04:13 Thinking 4th dimensionally: Who are you becoming?
06:08 Understanding measured by obedience
08:47 The Holy Spirit empowers obedient, righteous living
11:06 Some works of the Holy Spirit
13:31 Can we live on mission without being transformed? Christians are a peculiar people.
18:04 How do we relate to human authorities?
23:07 Royal Priesthood, Temples, and the indwelling Holy Spirit.