August 14, 2014

New Flooring

Happy Days are here!  We have been installing new Luxury Vinyl Tile in our Preschool classrooms since last week. The plan is to install the flooring in stages, so if your classroom has not been done yet, it will be in the next week or so. We are not installing new flooring in the following classrooms: 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, and 1145. Since these rooms are used for babies and they were remodeled in the last few years, we will keep our carpet.

We are excited with the new upgrades taking place in the Preschool area. Please be patient with the process. We will let you know when we will be receiving new carpet for the hallways as well as the installation dates.

I want to make you aware of some things related to the new flooring.

  • Please be careful when moving furniture. If you want to move a piece in your room, please pick it up and carry it, rather than dragging it.
  • The new flooring will be easier to clean.
  • We are purchasing area rugs. I know the class noise will be louder until we place the rugs.



Just a reminder:

  • Instruct the children to leave the mulch ground cover in the mulch area and not carry it over to the blue surface.
  • Please do not wear shoes with spike heels on the playground. You may want to bring a change of shoes for your time of service.
  • Watch the children and remain nearby as they play. Accidents happen fast with preschoolers.


Differences in Boys and Girls

We are excited to have Mary Ann Bradberry with us on Wednesday, August 20, 6:30 – 7:30, in Baskin Chapel. She will address the differences in how boys and girls process information. Please join us. Childcare is available, but you need to make reservations by Monday noon, August 18.


Prayer Needs: STEP RIGHT UP

May I ask you to pray specifically for new teachers in our ministry? There are needs at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00. You will notice a STEP RIGHT UP banner in our area this Sunday. We are in the midst of an enlistment campaign this month, and we ask for your prayers! We are about important business as we teach preschoolers about God, Jesus, the Bible, and the Church. We are literally laying a foundation for spiritual development. I thank you in advance for your faithfulness in payer for this initiative.


Your Preschool Team
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June 15, 2014

I hope you are enjoying the results of God’s refreshing rain. My garden has never looked so good! The church gardens are so green. Each garden will produce an abundance of food!

Just as you invest in the lives of the children you teach, fruit will come. They will come to remember the things you say about the love of God and Jesus; and, they in turn will act on what they have learned about God and Jesus. You are preparing the foundation from which the children will build their understanding of God and Jesus. You are about important business.


TEACHING TIPS – Journey On Leadership site

I am in the process of putting teaching tips for each age group on this site. Soon they all will be completed. Then I will be continuing with teaching ideas for each age group. Please let me know some of your needs so I can begin to address them here.

I appreciate the prayers for teachers that Janet Waters is posting each week on the site. She always has a prayer that meets our needs.



We are in the process of enlisting new teachers. Of course, this is an on-going task. I want to thank you for your service to the boys and girls you teach. If you know of anyone who would like to talk to us about serving, please let us know. We offer opportunities for them to learn how to teach the age group they prefer. Please let Sandra, your wing coordinator, or myself know and we will be glad to talk to them and answer any questions. Begin praying now for the enlistment campaign coming in July.



If you would like to serve in VBS, let us know!



Would you like to be part of a preschool teachers’ Life Group? If so, when would you prefer to meet– Sunday night, Wednesday night or another time? Let us know. Since you teach, you may not be part of an adult Bible study and we want to make sure you are connecting with others.

Have a great weekend and we will see you on Sunday!

Your Preschool Ministry Team
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June 8, 2014

Preschool Newsletter


A Preschool Teacher at Brentwood Baptist Church is a valued person and leader. Your task is an easy one:

  • Love the children.
  • Teach the children about God and Jesus.
  • Accept the children as an entrusted gift.

You have the opportunity to work alongside parents to lay a foundation of spiritual development. What an awesome privilege and gift!

Many Sundays I see children running to their rooms ahead of their parents. They are looking for you! What a joy to watch you interact with the children, whether you are doing an activity, driving a Bye-Bye Buggy, or telling the Bible story. The children in your class are developing attitudes about being at church. You have the opportunity to help them feel loved and accepted. Thank you, Thank you.


VBS—Agency D3

It’s coming July 7–11. If you want to volunteer, sign up online now! Go to the church website and click on VBS. Be sure and register your children, too. Our 5s-Pre-K classes are filling up and we will have to stop registration for that age soon. 

Please pray for our leaders and teachers involved in VBS! They have started planning and preparing for this wonderful week of discovery.  Pray for a safe and fun week for the children as well as the leaders and teachers.


THIS SUNDAY—“Elisha Helped Naaman”

Our Bible story this week will give you an opportunity to talk about God’s love through healing. Even though this concept of healing is a hard one, you can help a child understand that Elisha was used to bring God’s healing to Naaman. The healing came with a simple instruction to wash in the Jordan River seven times. The Bible tells us that Naaman was highly respected by many people and was a great man in the sight of his master. God provided a servant girl to encourage him to go to Elisha. Naaman’s helpers/servants strongly encouraged him to do exactly what Elisha had asked. Naaman did, and he received healing. He went back to Elisha’s home to say thank you. Naaman said, “Now I know that God is the only God.

The story is truly a wonderful example of a changed man and his new understanding of God and His love. I pray that through this story you will be reminded of God’s great love for you and the grace He extends to you in so many ways.

Have a wonderful Sunday morning!

Your Preschool Ministry Staff





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May 25, 2014


1.      Joe Hendricks will be here this Sunday to continue taking pictures of families and teachers for the book we are putting together for Florrie Anne. He will be here June 1, as well. So make plans now to let Joe take a picture of you and your family!
2.      I hope you are enjoying this JourneyOn Preschool leader site. I plan to have more on the site for you next week.
3.      Remember you can place your Leader Pack door signs for the month inside the snap frames on the wall beside your rooms. These signs will help parents know what the children are studying.


STOP Signs

The Stop Signs have certainly helped keep parents/grandparents from entering our Sunday School rooms. I appreciate all you are doing to help parents remain outside the rooms when they drop off or come for their children. I have stood by some doors on occasion to help parents understand they can stay at the door, just not go in. It’s hard to break old habits, but let’s stick with it.


This Sunday

This week’s Bible story about Peter helping a man walk emphasizes being thankful for all that God had done for him. The man in our story had been lame since birth, but Peter asked him to stand up and walk. Peter performed the miracle in the powerful name of Jesus. The man’s life was changed and would never be the same. In the Scriptures it is recorded that the man began walking, jumping or leaping, and praising God. Can you imagine the conversations he had with people around the Beautiful Gate that day and for the days and weeks that followed? You and I have a wonderful story to tell of how God has touched our lives. I pray you will have opportunity to share your life’s story and hope with others that will, in turn, bring them joy, hope, and knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Preschoolers will sense your attitude of Jesus by the way you speak of Him and share the story from the Bible.

Have a safe and happy weekend and see you Sunday!
Your Preschool Ministry Staff


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What Is On Your Prayer List?

I have been reading more recently on prayer. You might say, “I hope you are practicing it, too.” Well, I do and I am. I have become more intentional about what, when, and how I pray. Some of the books I have read lead me to consider the intentionality with which I pray, which brings me to my point. Prayer takes you on a journey with God and those for whom you pray and for what you are praying.

I am sure you have heard stories of how God has worked in the lives of families because of the prayers of past generations. That leads me to consider the prayers I offer on behalf of others. Continually, I want to ask God to show me how I need to pray so that I can be intentional.

For Parents
Do you pray for the future of your children? For their friends now and in the future? For their life choices and their relationship with God? I would venture to say you do! May God give you strength to pray consistently, continually, and intentionally for your children. What blessings will unfold because of your prayers!

For Teachers
Do you pray for the children in your class? For the children that visit your class? Do you pray as you prepare? Do you pray that God leads you to an activity that might allow you to share more about God, Jesus, the Bible and the Church?

Continue to build relationships with the families represented in your class. Perhaps the relationships you build now will allow you to minister more effectively when you are needed by the family.

For All
In a recent seminar, the speaker encouraged a way we can make our prayer time fresh, memorable, and meaningful. He encouraged us to pray through a psalm. The book of Psalms contains 150 songs and prayers of praise.
1.      Pray through a psalm a day.
2.      Incorporate those for whom you pray throughout the psalm.
3.      Use your own name as you pray through the psalm.

Try journaling prayers. Create opportunities to go back and see how God has answered your prayers. Perhaps you can share these with children later.

Find joy in the relationship you develop with God through prayer and thankfulness in His answers.

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