The Truth: Who, Not What

by Roger Severino

In John 14:1-7, Jesus tells His disciples that they will know the way to where He is going.

One of them says: “Lord, we don’t know where You are going. How can we know the way?”

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Ohhh. So we are not talking about a path, but a person. We are not talking about a system, but a Savior. We are not talking about a “what” or a “where”, but a “who”.
When we talk to our unbelieving friends and neighbors about Christianity, we are not primarily talking about a religion or philosophical system. We are primarily talking about a person.
Most skeptics will acknowledge that a person named Jesus (Yeshua) lived in first century Palestine, developed a following, was executed by Roman crucifixion, and that his followers came to believe (for whatever reason) that he had risen from the dead.
I once listened to a series of lectures by New Testament professor, Bart Erhman, who teaches at UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Ehrman is an agnostic and, therefore, doesn’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus. But in discussing the early spread of Christianity and the development of the church, Dr. Ehrman kept using a phrase like: “The followers of Jesus came to believe that he had been raised from the dead.” Dr. Ehrman never tried to explain how that belief came about, or even suggest various hypotheses. Part of this, I imagine, is because this was not the focus of the course. But part of it, perhaps, is also that there is no really good alternative explanation for what Christians and those early eyewitnesses affirm to be true. “Jesus is risen from the dead!”
Christianity is not primarily about a philosophy – though there is a place for Christian philosophy and systematic theology. Our belief is founded on a real person who lived in real space and time approximately 2,000 years ago in a known geographical location on the globe.
One good way of talking to our skeptical friends is to ask:

  • “Who is Jesus?”
  • “What do you believe about him?”
  • “Why do you believe that?”
  • “Why do you think his earliest followers claimed to be eyewitnesses of his resurrection?”
  • “What do you think actually happened?”

Get people talking about Jesus. Then, be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have, with gentleness and respect (see 1 Peter 3:15).

Hospitality in Your LIFE Group

How Important Is Hospitality In Your LIFE Group?

by Susan Hill

Imagine walking into a room full of strangers hoping you will have the opportunity to connect with new people and grow in your relationship with Christ through the study of His Word. For a few people, this is an easy thing to do. For many others, the experience is awkward or maybe even uncomfortable. Every week we have the opportunity to host first time guests in our LIFE Groups, and we want to be intentional about making their experience as enjoyable as possible.
As Christ followers, it is our responsibility to create a warm and welcoming environment for both guests and LIFE Group members.  In fact, the concept of hospitality is biblical. 1 Peter 4:9 says, “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have receive to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.”
It’s not a stretch to say that hospitality is a form of evangelism. Most of the time relationships have to be built and nurtured before we have enough influence in someone’s life to disciple them. Hospitality is simple, but the impact is incalculable.
So, how do we practice excellent hospitality? Begin by simply introducing yourself and letting them know you are glad they are there.  Introduce them to others in your group, but don’t put pressure on them to stand up and introduce themselves to the class. Remember that people come to a LIFE Group with the desire to connect to biblical community but many are uncomfortable speaking in front of a new group.
Be sure to follow early in the week with an email or call inviting them back. We have the opportunity to make our LIFE Groups a place where kindness abounds, radical hospitality is the norm, and because of the relationships we have built, we are in a position to tell others about Jesus.