Posts Tagged LIFE Group

Casting Vision for Your LIFE Group

by Susan Hill

All of us who lead LIFE Groups want our groups to be healthy, growing, and thriving in a way that glorifies God and builds His kingdom. Not a single one of us wants to stay stuck in the status quo. We want to flourish. But how often are we prayerfully seeking God’s direction for our group? Are we taking the time to envision what our group could look like in a year?
In his book, Visioneering, Andy Stanley says, “Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be. Vision is a preferred future. A destination. Vision always stands in contrast to the world as it is. Vision demands change. It implies movement. But a vision requires someone to champion the cause.”
When I launched a group a few years ago, my initial vision was two-fold:

  1. I wanted the group to serve as a place where members would come together to study the Scriptures in a way that deepened their love for Christ.
  2. I wanted the group to provide an environment where group members could build authentic relationships with one another. God has been faithful to manifest this and more in our LIFE Group and I am thankful. But as I contemplate the future, I realize my vision for this group needs expanding.

For instance, in the coming months I long to see first-time guests coming through our door every week. I envision non-believers making decisions to follow Christ. My hope is to see current members step into leadership roles and launch their own groups. I want to see long-time group members continue to grow in their relationships with Christ and disciple new believers. My initial vision for the group hasn’t changed but it has expanded and I am now prayerfully seeking God for greater things in this group.
Maybe you’ve already got a solid vision for your LIFE Group and, if you do, that’s great. If not, I encourage you to spend some time thinking through what you want your group to look like in the coming months.  Keep in mind that vision has to be communicated to be effective. In fact, it’s likely you will need to reiterate the vision several times. Sometimes members are absent and it’s possible not everyone will be present the first time you communicate your vision to the group.  Others will need to hear it several times before they take it seriously.
As leaders, we have the privilege of influencing people to grow in their relationships with Christ. Let’s prayerfully seek God’s will for the people He allows us to lead and continue to expand our vision for what is possible.

Building Community in LIFE Groups: The Importance of a Mid-Week Touch

 by Jay Fennell & Susan Hill

Over the years of leading my own LIFE Group and also leading LIFE Groups ministries in various churches, I’ve noticed that the healthiest and most relationally connected groups communicate with each other through the week. Communication matters. If you’re not communicating with your group members on a weekly basis, apart from your weekly gathering time, you’re missing a tremendous opportunity to build community in your LIFE Group.
As LIFE Group Leaders, the primary goal is to lead group members to grow in love for God and each other. Building community is a key component in creating an environment where this happens. However, building community, especially in a new group takes intentionality. In fact, it seldom happens on its own.
One of the most important steps in building LIFE Group community is reaching out with a mid-week touch to your group members. Here are 3 suggestions:

  1. Send out a mid-week email. This might include prayer requests that were shared in your group time. (Be sure to make sure group members agree to share prayer requests via email.) Also, this is a way to communicate dates for social outings, mission projects, and updates from group members. It’s also a great way to introduce the following week’s lesson plan.
  2. Consider Using Social Media. Some groups have their own Facebook page where both the leader and group members can easily post updates, group photos, announcements, and mid-week encouragement.
  3. Calls and Texts. Even though this isn’t something that all group leaders can pull off every week, as your schedule permits, send group members a quick text or call to encourage them or let them know you are praying for them. This is especially important if you have a group member who is going through a difficult season. Also, if you have a group member who has been absent for a while, it’s important to reconnect.

Although we sometimes forget, LIFE Group leaders have an incredible amount of influence in the lives of those we lead. It just takes a few minutes to reach out with a mid-week touch and communicate with group members. This simple gesture has a great impact on building relationships and biblical community. Growth is most likely to happen within the context of relationship. Let’s do all we can to build a strong sense of biblical community in our LIFE Groups.