Posts Tagged LIFE Group

Pastoral Care in LIFE Groups

By Jay Fennell

One function of a LIFE Group at Brentwood Baptist Church is to “Love One Another.” What does that mean? It means that the group is committed to praying and caring for one another in the mountain and valley moments of life. It means that the group responds to needs and serves in a biblical and God-honoring way.
But from time to time, pastoral care needs emerge in LIFE Groups leaving the leader and the group unsure of what to do and how to serve. It can be quite intimidating to navigate the issue at hand because the leader can feel ill-equipped to handle the pastoral care need that has emerged.
Before you tackle a pastoral care need in your group, consider these things:

  1. Your role as a LIFE Group leader is to bear burdens, not carry the load. Paul writes in Galatians 6:2 – “Carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” When someone staggers, we steady the load, but we don’t take it off their shoulders and carry it for them. If someone is straining, we help bear the burden, but we don’t remove it and take it all on ourselves. Boundaries are important and must be established. You are responsible to love, minister, serve, pray and care under the wisdom and guidance of the Lord. You are not responsible to make them happy or solve their problems.
  2. Some issues go beyond the scope of pastoral care for a leader and the group. In these cases where leaders feel completely inadequate and ill-equipped to handle a serious pastoral care need, it’s best to refer to a specialist or trained minister. It doesn’t mean that the group cannot still pray diligently for the person, it just means that the leader and group will not take the lead on providing hands-on care. Pastoral counseling is available through Brentwood Baptist by calling 615-324-6169.
  3. Pastoral care happens best in LIFE Group environments where multiple people can partner together to meet needs and provide ministry, rather than one-on-one. In a church the size of Brentwood Baptist, LIFE groups provide the best opportunity to meet needs and provide care. How can the group collectively provide resources to bear the burden for someone in the group?
  4. The ultimate goal of our care is to help provide healing and forward movement toward Christlikeness. Ultimately, we want the people receiving our care to be reestablished and on course to grow and become more like Jesus. The beauty of the Body of Christ is that we’re for one another, caring and encouraging each other to grow toward Christlikeness.

At Brentwood Baptist Church, we have a ministry that coordinates and manages benevolent needs that arise in the church. If you have a benevolent need that arises in your LIFE group, have the person in need call 615-324-6179.

The Importance of a Warm Welcome

By Jay Fennell

I can recall a time when my wife and I were visiting Sunday School classes in a church. We were newlyweds and had recently moved to Texas from South Carolina to attend seminary. We were lonely and homesick. We had no connections, no friends, and no church home, and we desperately needed a place to belong. We visited a few classes for young couples and didn’t feel a connection. The classes we visited were friendly, but we quickly learned that they weren’t interested in being our friend, and you can tell the difference. They had room in the classroom for us but not much room in their hearts. Frustrated, we prayed that God would provide us a Christian community with which we could grow in our faith and serve the church. We were looking for a family!
God answered our prayer and led us to visit a new group for young marrieds. As we approached the room, we immediately noticed lively interaction. The couples were connecting relationally and were genuinely enjoying one another. As we walked in the door, we were immediately greeted warmly by a couple who introduced themselves and thanked us for coming. They were wearing nametags, so that made it easier to remember people because it put a face to a name. We were introduced to other couples, all wearing nametags. The people of the group were sincerely grateful we were there. By the end of the morning, we knew we had found the group where we wanted to invest, grow and serve.
The first minute of our visit was so crucial. This group had one minute to make a good first impression, and they passed with flying colors because they cared enough to acknowledge us when we walked in the door. Their most hospitable and bubbly people were placed at the door to welcome everyone, members and guests alike. But they gave special attention to guests and made sure that we were warmly welcomed and made to feel important. They didn’t neglect the people that God had brought to their group.
How good are you at warmly welcoming each person every time you gather for LIFE Group? Your group’s success at retaining guests might be determined by your intentionality in warmly welcoming newcomers. I cannot stress how important that is and encourage you to ensure that each person is greeted and welcomed each time you gather. It meant a lot to me and my wife, and I know it means a lot to others, as well.