Posts Tagged LIFE Group

What Does It Mean To Involve Ourselves in Community?

By Susan Hill

It’s no secret that people join a LIFE Group because they long to be connected in biblical community. God wired all of us with a need to connect with others. The “I” function of the Transformational LIFE Strategy exists to assimilate new group members into LIFE Group community and creates new opportunities for group members to build relationships.
Visiting new LIFE Groups can be an overwhelming experience for some people. We want to be sure we create a welcoming environment for guests and help them get introduced and make new friends in biblical community.
The longer a group meets, the more challenging this becomes. The shift is never intentional but as group members develop a history together, it becomes more challenging to see your group as a first-time guest would. So the longer a group has been together, the more intentional your group will need to be about maintaining a hospitable environment in your LIFE Group.

      1 Thessalonians 2:8 says, “We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.”

On a practical level, the “I” function of your LIFE Group will address the needs of first-time guests. This will mean greeting guests and introducing them in class. Be sure to wear nametags to make it easier to learn names. You will want to follow up immediately with your guests by phone or email and thank them for coming to your LIFE Group and be sure to invite them back.
Also, the “I” leader will plan social events for your group where you can get out and enjoy life together. Many times, it’s during social outings that relationships are built.

      Paul wrote in Romans 12:13 to “Share with the saints in their needs; and to pursue hospitality.”

People join LIFE Groups to grow in their relationship with Christ and to build relationships with others. Let’s do everything we can to create an environment where that happens every week.