September 30, 2015

Good morning, Father.
What is the best prayer for me to pray for myself as well as the preschoolers I serve?

Most important . . . to love God with all my soul.

Heavenly Father, I want to praise You with everything that I am, from my head to my toes! You know me inside and out, and You love me completely. Help me to learn what You are like and to love You in the same way You love me; completely! (Psalm 103:1,11,14; The Message)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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September 23, 2015

Good morning, Father.
What is the best prayer for me to pray for myself as well as the preschoolers I serve?

Most important . . . to love God with all my heart. Lord, open the eyes of my heart so I can know You better. Show me if there are any attitudes in my heart that make You unhappy. (Ephesians 1:17-18; Psalm 26:2)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for September 20

Bible Story: “David Played Music”
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16; Psalm 23

Babies – Using Thank-You Prayers
(Bible Story is “David and Jonathan” for Babies.)
A baby is learning so much about the world around him; perhaps you will be able to influence a baby about the atmosphere at church. He might feel the warmth and love of a teacher as he hears her say: “Thank You, God, for ____________ (incorporate the child’s name). God loves you.” Simple prayers will allow you to say the name God with love and reverence. These prayer statements will help a baby connect the name of God as someone who cares about him. In the first year of life, a baby may double in weight and height. Can you imagine what his brain is assimilating? Use every opportunity to say: “God loves you. I love you, too.” You can help lay the foundation for spiritual development.

1s – Singing
The Bible phrase for 1s this week is “I will sing to God” (2 Samuel 22:50). In the back of the leader guide, you will find the Bonus Teaching Hour section. On page 8 in that section, you will see words to sing using the familiar tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” Sing these words to a child. Say: “We can sing to God anytime and anywhere. Thank You, God, for hearing our song.”

2s – Using the Bible
Use the Bible frequently throughout the morning, but especially when you tell the Bible story to a two year old. Open the Read-to-Me Bible and turn to page 1674 for a picture of David playing his harp. While you are playing with a child, tell the Bible story and show him the picture of David. You can say: “David played his harp while caring for the sheep. Then David started playing his harp for King Saul. I am glad God gives us stories in the Bible.”

3s- Pre-K – Working Puzzles
Many puzzles are available for you in the Preschool Resource Room; they are on the shelves to the right. The puzzle “David and the Sheep” is one that you could use this Sunday, and enough are available for each 3s – Pre-K classroom. As you help a child work the puzzle, tell them the story of David playing his harp with the sheep and then for King Saul. Mention to the child: “David often sang songs that were prayers. You can sing your prayers, too.”

Kindergarten – Playing a Matching Game
Gather a few musical instruments from the Preschool Resource Room. On a piece of poster board, outline each instrument. Put the instruments in a bag. Encourage a child to pull an instrument from the bag and match it to the outline of that instrument on the poster board. After playing the game, sing a song using the tune “Jesus Loves Me” and these words: “God hears my prayers, this I know, for the Bible tells me so, He wants me to sing to Him, He wants me to pray to Him.”

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September 16, 2015

Good morning, Father.
Thank You that when my eyes open in the morning You whisper to me, “Hello beautiful, I treasure you.” How so like God to give us Scripture to remind us of His Love. A favorite Scripture of mine is Isaiah 49:16: “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” Engraving is intentional and makes it personal. To be told we are ever before God reminds us that He never loses sight of us–that He is our safe place, a place of peace.  Help me, Father, to embrace this truth and pass it on to the preschoolers I encounter.

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for September 13

Bible Story: “David and Jonathan”
Scripture: 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20

Babies – Playing with Friends
Babies are fascinated by others in the class. Often you will see them try to touch other baby’s faces, hair, or hands. They are curious about other friends in the room. As babies play on the mat and reach for each other, use simple statements such as: “You see ___________(child’s name); he/she is your friend.” They will someday understand what a friend is, but they can begin hearing the word friend and associate it positively.

1s – Using the Bible
Ones love books. The Bible is wonderful to use as you speak about David and Jonathan. Place a Bible marker in the Bible or lay a teaching picture near the Bible as you speak about this week’s story. Ones will be able to know that the story comes from the Bible. Use the Bible frequently throughout the morning. As you use the Bible with ones, they will learn how to handle this special book, touch its pages, and carry it around the room. Use words such as: “God is good to us. He gives us friends. You have friends at church (mention the names of teachers and other children in the room).”

2s – Homeliving Area
Getting along with others is a part of the socialization that happens in the young preschool years. Twos are learning to get along and to know each other. The opportunities for learning to be with others can happen easily in the classroom. Use the Homeliving area this week. The story of David and Jonathan will be easy to talk about, as I’m sure that David and Jonathan ate together many times. Help twos set the table and pretend to prepare a meal together. Use words like: “I am glad to have friends. We can pretend to make a meal together. Do you think that David and Jonathan ate together? Thank You, God, for friends.”

3s – Pre-K – Group Time Activity
Ask the children to tell you things they enjoy doing with their friends. Print their answers on a large sheet of paper. Use this activity to introduce the story of David and Jonathan. Emphasize to the children how important it is to have friends and to do things together. Open the Bible and begin telling the story. Show the Bible teaching picture and ask who they think Jonathan is and who they think David is. Be sure to ask why they like the story. Tell them why you like the story, too.

Kindergarten – Sequence/Matching Game
Print the first name of each child in the classroom on an index card. Use watercolor markers so the ink won’t show through the cards. Then prepare a matching set of name cards. Place the cards on the floor facedown. Encourage the children to take turns turning over two cards at a time to find matching names. This activity will be a good game to use at the end of the session as you wait for parents to arrive. Show the teaching picture during the game as you talk about David and Jonathan being friends.

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September 9, 2015

Good morning, Father.

Thank You for asking me to serve You by working with children. As I think of preschoolers and this school year, I pray for friendships. Help them discern good character and find those who have a love for You, even at this young age. I desire for the children to establish friendships for a lifetime that draw them to You.

“Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.” (1 Corinthians 15:33, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for September 6

Bible Story:  “King Saul”
Scripture:   1 Samuel 9—10; 11:12-15; 13:1-15; 15

Babies – Using the Bible
On Sunday our babies will hear you speak about David and Jonathan (other age groups are learning about King Saul). As you engage babies in play, say: “I have a good friend, ____________ (insert the child’s name) is her/his name.” Babies enjoy hearing others say their name, too. Open the Bible (page 353 in the Read-to-Me-Bible) to the picture of David and Jonathan and say, “David and Jonathan were friends.” The babies will begin to develop an attitude when you use the Bible with them. One day they will know the Bible is a special book. You have a part in the way they begin to understand the Bible is a special book.
1s – Songs
Sing songs about God. Here is a song that you can sing this Sunday as you speak about King Saul. Use different words as you sing the melody to “God Is So Good”: “God loves you so, God loves you so, God loves ____________ (insert child’s name here), God loves everyone.” Then say, “God loved the people and gave them a leader, King Saul.” Ones will love to hear you sing. Try it! Be sure to play the CD from your leader pack as ones arrive and perhaps throughout the morning.
2s – Art Activity
Print the words God chose Saul to be the king on large sheets of paper. Locate some Dot Paints from the resource room (on the right as you go into the resource room). Let the twos dot paint on and around the words. Say the words, “God answered the people’s prayers and made Saul king.” Twos can hear stories from the Bible and know that they are special by the way you speak. You are laying a foundation about the Bible and that the stories there are real.
3s—Pre-K – Group-Time Activity
The Bible story today is about a promise that God made to the people of Israel. He always keeps His promises. Print these promises on strips of paper and place them in a box: God always does what He says He will do, God will always love you, God will take care of us, God loves everyone, and God will always give us what we need. Let the children take turns removing a strip from the box and “reading” it to the group. Say a thank-you prayer, “Thank You, God, for loving us and for giving us what we need.”
Kindergarten – Puzzle or Group Time (matching game)
Print each word of the Weekly Bible Verse (“God’s promises come true”) on an index card. Make two sets. Place the cards facedown on the table or floor. After you have told the Bible story or while you are at the puzzle area, ask the children to find the matching words. Once the words have been matched put the Bible verse together. Point to each word and say the verse together. Place a marker at the location of the verse in the Bible. When the verse is put together, ask a child to help you read the verse from the Bible. Ask someone to pray, thanking God for loving us.


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September 2, 2015

Good morning, Father.

I pray for Your blessings on the lives of the children I teach. I desire to build their faith, teach them their true God-given identity, and reinforce Your love for them. Out of Your love, we have forgiveness of sin. Help me to teach them what sin is and the importance and action of asking for forgiveness of sin. I pray that they experience unbroken fellowship with You. “How happy is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!” (Psalm 32:1, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor

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