Teaching Ideas for November 1

Bible Story: “Elijah Prayed”
Scripture: 1 Kings 18:1-2, 41-46; James 5:17-18

Babies   (Their Bible story is “God Cared for Elijah,” 1 Kings 17:1-16.)
So much goes on in the first year of life. Babies are growing at such a fast rate; they will actually double their birth weight in their first year. They are becoming more aware of their world and of those who care for them. Therefore, you are important to each child you teach. As you interact with babies as they play with toys, tell them that God takes care of them. Say to them often: “Mommy and Daddy love you. God loves you and helps you grow.” The babies will understand your care and love in the way you provide for them. One day they will understand that God loves and cares for them, too.

1s – Thanking God
Young ones can learn to thank God for many things. These short thank-you statements to God are their first prayers. We begin to pray by praising God for what He does for us. Teach ones to say thank you to God for what He does for them. Let the children hear you say, “Thank You, God, for hearing our prayers.” Today’s story is about Elijah praying for rain. Briefly talk about the Bible story. Then add, “God hears us when we pray, too.”

2s – Praying with Twos
Twos can learn that God wants people to talk (pray) to Him. Play the music CD this week as children arrive. Track 3 is a song about talking to God. Teach twos to pray or talk to God. Give them examples to say such as: “Thank You, God, for friends at church. We hear that we can talk to God anytime and anywhere.” As you tell twos the story say: “Elijah asked God to send rain. God heard Elijah and He sent rain.”

3s – Pre-K – Praying to God
Print each of the following statements on individual index cards: Pray for Mom and Dad; Pray for family; Pray for friends; Pray for my teachers; Pray for church friends; Pray for neighbors. Place the cards in a small open box. When you finish telling the Bible story, say: “We can talk to God anytime and anywhere. Now, let’s thank God for people who are special to us.” Ask each child to pick a card and pray for what is written on it. (You might whisper the words on the card to the child and let him repeat it as if reading.) Consider adding other prayer cards to the box. Enjoy teaching the boys and girls about talking to God.

Kindergarten – Playing a Word Match/Story Recall Game
Locate 14 index cards. Prepare two sets of cards with these words on individual cards: rain, Elijah, King Ahab, 7, pray, cloud, and mountain. After you have told the Bible story, place the cards facedown on the floor. Ask the children to find words that are the same. As they find each matching word, ask them to tell you how the word was used in the story. The kindergarteners may want to play the game more than once. Say to the children: “I thank God for hearing my prayers. Do you talk to God when you pray? God always hears us and wants us to talk to Him anytime and anywhere.”

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October 28, 2015

Good morning, Father.

My brothers and sisters can be a lot of fun–and they can drive me crazy. One thing is for sure: God, You love them. So I am praying for them. Fill my brothers and sisters with a desire to please You and do things Your way. Teach them how to love You with all their hearts, minds, and strength so they can be totally committed to You.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for October 25

Bible Story: “God Cared for Elijah”
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1-16

Babies (Their Bible story is Daniel 1:1-20.)

Daniel felt God’s love and experienced His provision. Babies will feel your faithful care and attention, too. Take time to let them feel how much fun it is to be around them. Play a simple game by saying babies’ names as you clap their hands together at the same time. Continue doing the game as long as they are enjoying the interaction. Say: “I love you and God loves you, too. It’s fun to be together.”

1s – Singing a Song
Ones will enjoy singing as you talk to them about God. On page 20-BTH, you will see a song to sing using a familiar tune and different words. As you sing the song, incorporate the children’s names. You may find their attention greater when they hear their names sung. Continue to sing the song using each child’s name. Ones will be listening for their names and when they hear them, I’m sure you will see smiles on their faces.

2s – Talking as a Child Plays
At church twos hear you speak about God. Today you get to tell each child, “God knows what you need.” You may find it difficult for twos to sit still to hear the story, so talking to them one on one as they play is much easier. Use Bible story conversation and talk about how God cared for Elijah and the woman who would make bread for him. Remember, children don’t have to look at you to hear what you are saying. When they are playing, their brains are engaged. God made them that way.

3s – Pre-K – Role Playing the Story
Gather a few items for children to dress up for the role play: towels (large for a shoulder wrap and small for a head piece) and scarves for a belt or ribbon and for a headpiece (wrap around a child’s head). You may want to use some kitchen items for the bread making part of the story. After telling the Bible story in group time, say, “Now let’s role play the story.” Assign children roles. Instruct them to act out the story line as you tell the story again. Consider role playing more than once so everyone can participate. Remember repetition is good for memory. Mention how God provided for Elijah and the woman who made bread for him.

Kindergarten – Playing a Group Time Game
Locate a small paper bag. Print the following words on tongue depressors (these can be found in the Resource Room): God, Elijah, Rain, Woman, Bread, Flour, and Oil. Make enough words for each child to have a tongue-depressor word. Place these words in the paper bag. After you have told the story, let each child draw a word from the bag. Ask him to find a friend with the same word. Once each child has found his match, ask them to tell you how the word fits in the Bible story “God Cared for Elijah.”

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October 21, 2015

Good morning, Father.
What is the best prayer for me to pray for myself as well as the preschoolers I serve? Most important . . .  to love my neighbor as myself. God, help me to love other people with Your love. Help me be kind to others even when they are not kind to me. Teach me to look past what they are like on the outside and see what they are like on the inside. Show me how valuable they are to You. (1 John 4:7-8; 1 Samuel 16:7; Matthew 5:44)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30, HCSB).

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for October 18

Bible Story: “Daniel Chose to Obey”
Scripture: Daniel 1:1-20

The parents of the children you teach are fortunate because you are regular teachers. Their children are building relationships with you. The babies recognize your soft voice and they know you by the way you hold them and relate to them. Something so simple but so consistent helps babies recognize others who love and care for them. Why is this so important? Because babies need the consistency of care from those who genuinely provide for their needs. They will learn about God and Jesus because they know you and are learning to trust you. What a marvelous opportunity you have as you mention, “God loves you, and I love you, too.” They learn to believe the things you say.

Ones will learn more about obeying God when they have experience doing what mom or dad asks or what teachers and others may ask of them. Encourage ones to follow instructions by asking them to roll the ball to you and you roll it back; make a game of it. Gather a few toys such as pop-beads, blocks, or pull toys and play along with the children. As you play, mention: “I like to play this game together—you do what I ask. The Bible tells us to do what God says.” Remember that children will one day learn to do what God says, but they need positive experiences in learning to follow instructions.

Locate a small paper bag and index cards (found in the resource room). On the cards print descriptive words such as Jump Up and Down, Turn Around, Touch Your Nose, Bend Down, etc. Put the cards in the bag. Say to the children: “Let’s play a game. I will read a card and then you do what it says.” Encourage the children when they follow your instructions. These simple instructions are the beginnings of doing what others ask. When twos have positive experiences like these, they may choose to do what you ask more readily. They are learning that playing and trusting you is fun. State: “Our Bible verse today is ‘Do what God says.’ ”

3s-Pre-K – Puzzle or Group Time
Gather pretend food items from the homeliving kitchen area and place them in a bag. Ask the children to see if they can guess the food items in the bag. Describe each food item by: its color, its size, soft or hard, rough or smooth, fruit or vegetable, etc. When the children guess, take the food item out of the bag and place it on the floor in front of you. When the game has ended, mention: “Daniel chose the food to eat because God had told him to eat good food. We can do what God says, too.”

Kindergarten – Group Time
On a large piece of art paper, print the statement Choose to obey. Print the children’s names on the sheet of paper and leave room for you to record answers. After you tell the Bible story about Daniel, ask: “Do your parents ask you to do things at home? Do you make the right choices to obey your mom and dad?” Guide the children to tell you what their parents ask them to do and record their answers beside their names. Have fun with this activity. Mention: “Daniel chose to obey God. You can choose to obey, too.” Together say the Bible verse “Do what God says.”

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October 14, 2015

Good morning, Father.
What is the best prayer for me to pray for myself as well as the preschoolers I serve?
Most important . . . to love God with all my strength. Lord, I give You every part of my body to use as You want. I give You my hands to serve other people and bring them joy. I give You my feet so You can lead me anywhere You want me to go. And whenever I open my mouth, please give me the right words to tell people about Jesus. (Romans 6:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:11; Isaiah 52:7; Ephesians 6:19)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for October 11

Bible Story: “King David”
Scripture: 2 Samuel 5—8

Babies – Music
(Their Bible story is 1 Samuel 17:12-15, 17-22.)

As you greet babies, ask parents to sign in their children and complete the instruction cards by the door. Play background music so that the atmosphere is calm and welcoming. In a soft voice say the Bible phrase “Help one another.” You might say: “David helped his brothers by bringing them food. Mom has a bottle for you. Thank You, God, for __________________ (insert child’s name).” If a child does not have a Diaper Bag Tag, just let me know and I will bring a supply to your room.

1s – Music
Ones enjoy singing or at least trying. They engage when they hear music and love having you sing to them. Look on page 14 of the BTH pages in your leader guide. There you will find words to a song that you can sing to the familiar tune “Are You Sleeping?” The words are simple, but they relay a biblical truth that will follow the children all their lives—God made them and loves them. Sing the song as you play and interact with ones throughout the morning.

2s – Music/Blocks
Gather some musical instruments from the resource room. Locate some shakers, drums (use hands to beat a rhythm), and bells (jingle and wrist bells). Place them in the block area to use as twos build with blocks. Encourage the children to take turns using the instruments (you will not need one for every child). Say, “Now it is __________’s (child who is using the instrument) turn, then it will be yours.” Say to the child using the instrument, “________________ (child who be using the instrument next) will have a turn soon.” This type of conversation helps boys and girls learn to take turns and to know they will soon have a chance to use the instrument. Say, “Thank You, God, for hands to play the instruments and make music.”

3s – Pre-K – Group Time
Group time is fun when children hear you tell the Bible story with the Bible opened on your lap. The children like to be engaged as they hear the story. Whisper the Bible verse just before you tell the story. Say, “I am going to whisper today’s Bible verse to ________________ (child’s name) and she/he will whisper it to the friend beside her/him and then the next friend will do the same until everyone has heard the verse. At the end we will all say the Bible verse together.” Be sure to make any corrections that might need to be made. Say: “I am so glad God has plans for you and me. Let’s hear what plans God had for King David.

Kindergarten – Homeliving/Puzzles
Set up a tent in your classroom by turning the homeliving table on its side and placing a sheet over it. Invite the children to sit under the tent and work the Puzzle “The Tent Church.” You will find this puzzle in the resource room on the right side as you enter. Say a portion of the Bible story as the children work the puzzle. Comment: “David built a tent church where he could worship God. We can sing songs and pray to God, too, just like King David did.” Enjoy the time with the children in the tent.

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October 7, 2015

Good morning, Father.
What is the best prayer for me to pray for myself as well as the preschoolers I serve? Most important . . . to love God with all my mind. Holy Spirit, help me keep my mind clean and pure. Remind me to look at and think about only things that are pleasing to You. Make my mind sharp and clear so that I will know how to live for You! (Philippians 4:8; Romans 12:2)

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, HCSB)

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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