Posts Tagged community

3 Easy Ways to Create a Welcoming Environment in Your LIFE Group

Part 3: The Importance Of Following Up With First-Time Guests

By Susan Hill

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been discussing simple ways to create a welcoming environment in our LIFE Groups. As leaders, it is important that we remain mindful of the needs of both our members and first-time guests.
Obviously, we want visitors to have an excellent first experience in our LIFE Groups, with the hope that they return and become a part of biblical community. One easy way to increase the likelihood of return guests is to do a follow-up shortly after their first visit.
Ideally, the follow-up will come in the form of a quick call, email, or text within a day or two of the newcomer’s first visit to your group. It’s important to communicate that you are glad they came and to invite them back. This simple gesture takes just a couple of minutes and has the potential to have a significant impact on whether the guest returns. Following up with newcomers acknowledges the effort it took them to attend and communicates to the visitor that you value their presence and would like for them to come back.
Hospitality isn’t difficult, but it does require intentionality in a group setting. In summary, placing a greeter at the door, wearing nametags, and following up with first time guests are three simple ways we can be intentional about creating a hospitable environment in our LIFE Group. As leaders, we have been given an enormous privilege and responsibility to disciple people in their relationship with Christ. Let’s be intentional about making sure our LIFE Groups are a place people feel welcomed and want to return.

3 Easy Ways to Create a Welcoming Environment in Your LIFE Group

Part 2: Two Excellent Reasons To Wear Nametags

by Susan Hill

It has been said that human beings enjoy hearing their names being said above all other things. I’m not sure whether this is true or not, but I know people long to be known and recognized in a group setting. Undoubtedly, people join a LIFE Group to engage in biblical community where others know them and they have the opportunity to cultivate relationships. Obviously, the first step of building a relationship with someone is learning his or her name. This seems painfully simple but, in a LIFE Group, it’s not uncommon for group members to come week in and week out and not learn everyone’s name in the group.
Wearing nametags in your LIFE Group sends the message that you are anticipating and welcoming newcomers. It’s a simple gesture that will create a welcoming environment that people appreciate. Also, nametags demonstrate that your group places high value on hospitality and makes it much easier for newcomers to learn names.
While it’s true that nametags are beneficial for visitors, nametags also have value for longtime group members as well. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you can’t remember their name even though you’ve spoken to them multiple times? It’s an awkward situation and you hesitate to ask them their name because you should know by now. In social settings, this happens more frequently than we would like to admit. Wearing nametags eliminates this potential situation and puts people at ease.
Using nametags is a simple step your group can take in making sure your LIFE Group provides a welcoming atmosphere for guests and group members. LIFE Groups are all about Christ follower’s coming together to study his Word and build relationships with one another. Knowing each other’s name is the first step of any relationship. Let’s be intentional about creating an environment that cultivates relationships, puts everyone at ease, and makes first-time guests want to come back.