Teaching Ideas for August 30

Bible Story:  “Lydia and Paul”
Scripture:   Acts 16:11-15


Who doesn’t love to hear the words “I love you?” I’m sure most moms and dads tell their babies frequently that they love them. Babies needs to hear that Jesus loves them, too. Sing the song “Jesus Loves Me” but substitute the word You as you change a baby’s diaper, play on the mat, or hold a child in your arms. Singing always adds an element of calm and security for an anxious baby. If you feel uncomfortable singing the song in front of adults, just sing quietly and softly to the baby.


Ones will begin to understand more about the Bible as you use it with them. Open the Bible to the picture of Jesus and the children. Say: “Jesus loves you. I love you, too.” Allow ones to pat the Bible or even carry it around the room. You may want to place the teaching picture on the floor near a toy. As a child picks up the picture, point to the figure of Paul and say: “Paul told Lydia that Jesus loves her. Jesus loves you, too.” Ones will love to hear that Jesus loves them as you play alongside them.


Since our story is about Lydia who sold purple cloth, provide a bag with samples of items that are purple. Locate a purple piece of fabric, purple yarn, purple piece of construction paper and maybe a purple car. Place the items in the bag. You may want to sit on the floor or at a table. Ask the children to draw a purple item from the bag. As you play the game of finding things that are purple, say: “Lydia was a lady that sold purple cloth. In our Bible story we heard that Paul told Lydia about Jesus.”


3s – Pre-K
Prepare a table setting in the homeliving area using purple construction paper as placemats. Mention that Lydia invited Paul and his friends to come to her house. Perhaps Lydia made food for them to eat. Paul told Lydia and the other women about Jesus. Ask, “What do you think Paul said about Jesus?” Add to their answers by saying, “Jesus loves all people and we can love others, too.”


Print each word of the Bible verse “Tell people about Jesus” (Acts 16:10) on individual sheets of purple construction paper. Just before group time, place the sheets of paper on the wall around the room. After you tell the Bible story during group time, ask individual children to locate a piece of purple construction paper and bring to the circle. Guide the children to put the Bible verse in order and ask them to repeat it with you. Ask, “Who can you tell about Jesus this week?” Mention, “What does the purple paper have to do with our story this week?” Mention that Lydia sold purple cloth and Paul told Lydia more about Jesus.

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August 26, 2015

Good morning, Father.

I pray for Your blessings on the lives of the children I teach. I thank You, Father, for the avenue of prayer. Help me teach these children how to pray. May it be as easy as a conversation with a friend. Assure them that You hear their prayers and that You always answer as a caring Father, even when they do not receive the answers they want.
“Now this is the confidence we have before Him . . . .” (1 John 5:14, HCSB).

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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Teaching Ideas for August 23

Bible Story:   “The Church Began”
Scripture:   Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2


Babies are learning that teachers in their room help them when they need a bottle, want a diaper change, or just want to play. What a wonderful way for teachers to help babies begin to understand that people at church care about them. Even the simplest needs you meet for babies can help them feel safe and secure at church. They have not yet caught the concept of church, but they do understand when you meet their needs. You can see it in their responses to you. Your classroom is their “church.” Thank you for what you do to help babies learn that church is a happy place to be.


One year olds have an opportunity to learn that church is a happy place. When their classroom is ready for them, they can immediately engage. Here is an activity you might want to have for this Sunday as you talk about being at church. Locate a plastic laundry basket and a few balls. Encourage one year olds to toss the balls into the basket. Use conversation such as: “I am so glad you came to church today, _____________ (child’s name). I thought you would like to toss the ball in the basket.” Even simple conversations can help them feel happy about coming to church.


Twos are becoming more involved in structured play with other children. They can engage together and are beginning to learn to “take turns.” Use conversation such as: “Now it is ____________ (say child’s name) turn, then it’s your turn __________________ (say another child’s name).” Sometimes the word share is a hard term for children to understand. To some twos, share means “I won’t get use it again,” perhaps because this has been their previous experience. As twos learn that taking turns means “I get to use it again,” it will become easy to play together. In a few years, they will understand what the word share means. All of this helps them learn that coming to church can be fun and a happy place to be.


3s – Pre-K
The Bible verse “People at church helped one another” is a great verse for us to begin to help preschoolers understand what people at church can do for others. This week our own church will be involved in buying groceries that will be given to our “Graceworks” partners. Tell preschoolers that they help people who may not have money to buy food to eat. Our church can help others. Create a pretend store using the food items in the kitchen area. Place grocery bags where preschoolers can “shop” for food. Cut strips of green paper for play money. Create a place where they can “check out.” You might say: “We can bring food to someone who can’t buy their food. We can help others.”


On Sunday our own church will be involved in buying groceries for those who can’t buy for themselves. We will be giving grocery items to our “Graceworks” partners who collect food for people who are in need. Create an area where children can make their own list of what they think others might need. You may find a list of items the church will be distributing this Sunday at one of the Preschool Welcome Desks. Using this list, encourage the children to make a similar list to take with them. As you do the activity, say: “We can give food to those who need it. Our church helps, too.”


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Teaching Ideas for August 16

Bible Story:   “Jesus Loved Mary and Martha”
Scripture:   Luke 10:38-42

Play quiet music as babies arrive. Notice how the atmosphere in the room takes on a calmness. Create opportunities to say “Jesus loves you” by spending time playing with each child. Place toys within reach and engage in play together. You probably have heard the phrase “Nothing says love better than time together.” A baby will enjoy the loving interaction she has with you from the moment she enters the room. Lay the Bible on the floor mat or hold it in your lap. Let the child pat the Bible pages or pictures. Open the Read to Me Bible for Kids to the picture of Jesus with Mary and Martha. Say: “Jesus loved Mary and Martha. Jesus loves you.”

Locate a plastic bowl and wooden spoon with a short handle. Place a few snap-lock beads in the bowl with the wood spoon. Encourage the child by stirring the beads in the bowl. Say: “Martha prepared food for Jesus. Martha loved Jesus, and Jesus loved Martha. Jesus loves you, _______ (incorporate the child’s name in the sentence).” This simple activity will allow you to relay the biblical truth of today’s story, Jesus loves all people.

Place a few cardboard blocks on the floor in front of the block shelf. Encourage the child to build a house similar to a Bible Times House (an example is in the front of the Read-to-Me-Bible for Kids in your classroom). Say: “Jesus went to Mary and Martha’s house to eat and talk. Jesus loved Mary and Martha. Jesus loves you.” Remember to use the phrase “Jesus loves all people” as you engage in conversation during the session. Our biblical message today is “Jesus loves all people.”

3s – Pre-K
As you encourage children to build a Bible-times house, add a few items to create a landscape appeal to the home that is built. Bring a few twigs or leaves to create trees. Put a little play dough inside a jar lid and stick the twig in it to make a pretend tree. Boys and girls will enjoy creating the landscape around the home they build. You may want to add brown paper on which to build the house. Using the backdrop from your leader pack will also add to your town.

Before the session locate a small paper cup for each child in your class. Cut a large hole in the bottom of each cup. The cups will be used in group time after you have told the Bible story. Tell the group you are going to play a game. Distribute the cups. Ask a child to come and stand beside you. Using your cup whisper the Bible verse “Jesus loves you.” Tell the child to whisper the verse to another child. Lead each child to use his cup to whisper the verse. When the last child has heard the verse, ask him to come and whisper the verse in your ear. You can do this several times using parts of the Bible story as well as the Bible verse.

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Teaching Ideas for August 9

Bible Story:  “Jesus Read the Scroll (Bible)”
Scripture:  Luke 4:16-22

Babies – Look at the Bible
Babies love for you to talk to them. Open the Bible on the mat and say: “You can look at the pictures in the Bible. The Bible tells us about Jesus.” Babies need to hear us speak about the Bible and Jesus. All babies need the opportunity to pat the pages in the book as you place the Bible in your lap. They will one day know what a Bible is, but they need to begin to hear the word “Bible” so they can begin to know it is a special book. You can say, “Jesus read from the Bible.”

1s – Locate the Bible
Cover the Bible and two other toys (such as a cardboard block and ball) with a towel or small blanket. When the child uncovers the Bible and toys, identify the items. As you name the Bible, say: “The Bible tells us about Jesus. There are many stories about Jesus in the Bible. Jesus loves you.” Mention, “You can read the Bible like Jesus did.” Allow the child to turn the pages and look at the pictures found in the Bible. The child will think he is “reading” the Bible. Positive feelings about the Bible can begin early.

2s – The Bible Puzzle
You will find a wooden-inlay puzzle in the resource room entitled “Bibles.” The puzzle depicts different kinds of Bibles and scrolls. Nearby place a few Bibles of different sizes as well as the classroom Bible. Tell the child that all the same stories are found in each Bible. Say, “Bible, the Bible tells us about Jesus.” You may want to place the teaching picture beside the puzzle, also.

3s – Pre-K – Bible Match
Find Bibles of different sizes. Outline the Bibles on a large sheet of paper. Guide the child to match each Bible to its outlined shape. As the child matches the Bible shape, say: “A church helper handed Jesus the Bible. Jesus read the Bible at church.” Encourage the child to do the Bible match game more than one time. He may want to work alongside a friend.

Kindergarten – Word Matches
Make two sets of individual letters for these words: Bible, Scroll, Jesus. Use 5 x 7 inch index cards to print the letters on. Get three large sheets of construction paper. At the top of each sheet of paper, place the letters that spell a word. Children can match the second set of letters to spell the words. As a child completes one of the words, show him a sample of a scroll, Bible, or picture of Jesus. Say: “Jesus read the Bible at church. You can read the words ‘scroll,’ ‘Bible,’ and ‘Jesus.’ ”

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August 5, 2015

Good morning, Father.

As Promotion Day takes place this Sunday, I voice prayers for blessings for the children I will teach or encounter as I serve. Lord, lead these children to trust in only Jesus’ sacrifice for their eternal salvation; assure them that their souls are secure in Your hands. Help me to plant seeds for harvest at an early age.

“I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13, HCSB).

In the power of Jesus’ name, Amen.

Janet Waters, Preschool Sunday School Teacher/Prayer Room Intercessor
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