Teaching Ideas for August 16

Bible Story:   “Jesus Loved Mary and Martha”
Scripture:   Luke 10:38-42

Play quiet music as babies arrive. Notice how the atmosphere in the room takes on a calmness. Create opportunities to say “Jesus loves you” by spending time playing with each child. Place toys within reach and engage in play together. You probably have heard the phrase “Nothing says love better than time together.” A baby will enjoy the loving interaction she has with you from the moment she enters the room. Lay the Bible on the floor mat or hold it in your lap. Let the child pat the Bible pages or pictures. Open the Read to Me Bible for Kids to the picture of Jesus with Mary and Martha. Say: “Jesus loved Mary and Martha. Jesus loves you.”

Locate a plastic bowl and wooden spoon with a short handle. Place a few snap-lock beads in the bowl with the wood spoon. Encourage the child by stirring the beads in the bowl. Say: “Martha prepared food for Jesus. Martha loved Jesus, and Jesus loved Martha. Jesus loves you, _______ (incorporate the child’s name in the sentence).” This simple activity will allow you to relay the biblical truth of today’s story, Jesus loves all people.

Place a few cardboard blocks on the floor in front of the block shelf. Encourage the child to build a house similar to a Bible Times House (an example is in the front of the Read-to-Me-Bible for Kids in your classroom). Say: “Jesus went to Mary and Martha’s house to eat and talk. Jesus loved Mary and Martha. Jesus loves you.” Remember to use the phrase “Jesus loves all people” as you engage in conversation during the session. Our biblical message today is “Jesus loves all people.”

3s – Pre-K
As you encourage children to build a Bible-times house, add a few items to create a landscape appeal to the home that is built. Bring a few twigs or leaves to create trees. Put a little play dough inside a jar lid and stick the twig in it to make a pretend tree. Boys and girls will enjoy creating the landscape around the home they build. You may want to add brown paper on which to build the house. Using the backdrop from your leader pack will also add to your town.

Before the session locate a small paper cup for each child in your class. Cut a large hole in the bottom of each cup. The cups will be used in group time after you have told the Bible story. Tell the group you are going to play a game. Distribute the cups. Ask a child to come and stand beside you. Using your cup whisper the Bible verse “Jesus loves you.” Tell the child to whisper the verse to another child. Lead each child to use his cup to whisper the verse. When the last child has heard the verse, ask him to come and whisper the verse in your ear. You can do this several times using parts of the Bible story as well as the Bible verse.

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Teaching Ideas for August 9

Bible Story:  “Jesus Read the Scroll (Bible)”
Scripture:  Luke 4:16-22

Babies – Look at the Bible
Babies love for you to talk to them. Open the Bible on the mat and say: “You can look at the pictures in the Bible. The Bible tells us about Jesus.” Babies need to hear us speak about the Bible and Jesus. All babies need the opportunity to pat the pages in the book as you place the Bible in your lap. They will one day know what a Bible is, but they need to begin to hear the word “Bible” so they can begin to know it is a special book. You can say, “Jesus read from the Bible.”

1s – Locate the Bible
Cover the Bible and two other toys (such as a cardboard block and ball) with a towel or small blanket. When the child uncovers the Bible and toys, identify the items. As you name the Bible, say: “The Bible tells us about Jesus. There are many stories about Jesus in the Bible. Jesus loves you.” Mention, “You can read the Bible like Jesus did.” Allow the child to turn the pages and look at the pictures found in the Bible. The child will think he is “reading” the Bible. Positive feelings about the Bible can begin early.

2s – The Bible Puzzle
You will find a wooden-inlay puzzle in the resource room entitled “Bibles.” The puzzle depicts different kinds of Bibles and scrolls. Nearby place a few Bibles of different sizes as well as the classroom Bible. Tell the child that all the same stories are found in each Bible. Say, “Bible, the Bible tells us about Jesus.” You may want to place the teaching picture beside the puzzle, also.

3s – Pre-K – Bible Match
Find Bibles of different sizes. Outline the Bibles on a large sheet of paper. Guide the child to match each Bible to its outlined shape. As the child matches the Bible shape, say: “A church helper handed Jesus the Bible. Jesus read the Bible at church.” Encourage the child to do the Bible match game more than one time. He may want to work alongside a friend.

Kindergarten – Word Matches
Make two sets of individual letters for these words: Bible, Scroll, Jesus. Use 5 x 7 inch index cards to print the letters on. Get three large sheets of construction paper. At the top of each sheet of paper, place the letters that spell a word. Children can match the second set of letters to spell the words. As a child completes one of the words, show him a sample of a scroll, Bible, or picture of Jesus. Say: “Jesus read the Bible at church. You can read the words ‘scroll,’ ‘Bible,’ and ‘Jesus.’ ”

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Teaching Ideas for August 2

Bible Story: “Jesus Taught About Prayer”
(Matthew 4:23-25; 5:1-2; 6:5-1)

Babies will continue to learn more about prayer as they grow. As you interact with them, use simple “thank you” sentence prayers, spoken with reverence and in a soft voice. For example: “Thank You, God, for Ava. Thank You that Ava can touch the picture.” Speak these simple sentences with reverence and a soft voice. Babies will since your sincerity and enjoy the exchange. You will have their attention when you mention their names. As you interact and build relationships with babies, you are helping them build a foundation for understanding more of Jesus’ love for them.

One year olds may not understand the word pray but they will understand the words “talk to.” Help them understand that they can talk to God. Children are building an understanding of God by hearing you talk to God. As you use the Bible, briefly tell the Bible story. Use a small blanket to cover the Bible in the room. Draw children’s attention to the blanket. When a child moves the blanket, say: “Bible. The Bible tells me about God. God hears me when I talk to him.” You might place a marker in the Bible at Matthew 6:6, “Talk to God.” Open the Bible, point to the verse, and read the words “Talk to God.” Cover the Bible again and watch as a child uncovers the Bible. Repeat the words again. Perhaps another child will be interested as well. Have fun!

Every preschooler enjoys being praised and appreciated. As you talk to a child this week about prayer, tell her, “I can say thank you to God for (insert child’s name).” Continue: “God likes to hear me talk to Him. You can talk to God, too. You can tell God thank you for your family.” Use the time as you play alongside twos to mention simple prayer thoughts such as: “ThankYou, God, for friends (name a few children in the room). Thank You, God, for teachers who take care of me and love me.” Children learn through example; by hearing you talk to God in simple sentences, they learn to talk to Him, too.

Create a game about talking and praying to God. Gather one beanbag and print six statements, each on individual sheets of paper (8½ x 11 inches). The statements should be prayer opportunities, such as: I can thank God for my friends, I can thank God for my family, I can thank God for my church, I can thank God for my teachers, I can thank God for food to eat, and I can thank God for water to drink. Copy these samples on colorful construction paper. As you set up the game, turn the sheets over so children can’t see the writing. When a child has a turn tossing the beanbag onto the sheet of his choice, turn it over and read the statement. Lead the child to pray the thank-you prayer. Say, “Talking to God is also called praying.”

Encourage each child to make a “prayer bag.” Supply strips of paper and a small lunch sack for each child. Provide stickers and colored markers for children to decorate their sacks. Print simple prayer statements for kindergartners to copy onto the strips of paper. Encourage them to choose a strip each day for prayer. Statements to include are below.
• Thank You, God, for family (encourage the children to print their family members’ names).
• Thank You, God, for friends (help the children print their friends’ names).
• Thank You, God, for my church.
• Thank You, God, for food to eat.
• Thank You, God, for my teachers.
• Thank You, God, for hearing my prayers.
• Thank You, God, loving me.

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Teaching Ideas for June 28

Bible Story: “Deborah and Barak” (Judges 4)

Our Bible story for this week is about making choices. Babies have lots of choices—they hear music in the room, see toys on the mat, and watch your face as they hear you talk to them. You will notice they want to be near you. Babies learn how to play with a particular toy because of the way you offer it to them. Use language as you show them something new. Include words that describe the actions they take during play. The play babies begin during these months will encourage them as they make choices in future play decisions. Make comments such as: “Thank You, God, for hands to hold the toy. Thank You, God, for eyes to see the toy.” The soft tone of your voice will help set an attitude of reverence for God. You have an important part in helping children develop a foundation for faith.

Gather two of each type of toy (shaker/rattle, musical, ball, and a cardboard block). Place one set of toys on the floor and the other set in a large paper bag. Ask the child to choose a toy from the bag, and then direct him to find the matching toy on the floor. Tell the child that he is making choices. Try to encourage two children to play beside one another as they take turns finding a toy in the bag. A child may choose one toy and decide to move to another toy. Ones will not stay with any activity for long, but they will enjoy trying something new as they interact with you. Say, “Thank You, God, for hands to play with the toy.” They will make choices throughout the morning. Encourage new skills as ones learn to play along-side one another.

Set up two obstacle courses. Draw arrows on paper for the directions you want the children to move. You may want to make the activity weave through the learning centers in the room. Encourage them to choose which way they want to walk. Give them an option of going through both obstacle courses. The choice is theirs. This week’s biblical learning is about making good choices. Use the words “making choices” often. Say, “Thank You, God, that ________ (use child’s name) can make choices.” Twos are learning to play together, and this activity may encourage them to play with friends.

As you tell the Bible story in Group Time, ask a child to find the Bible Verse Marker in the Read-to-Me Bible. Repeat the Bible verse together. Guide that child to choose a friend to find the Bible Marker. Continue letting each child choose a friend to find the Bible Marker after he/she has a turn finding the verse. The children will enjoy “choosing” friends and saying the verse with you. The repetition of saying the words will help them remember the verse. Say: “In our Bible story today Deborah and Barak made good choices. Today you were able to choose friends to find the Bible marker and say the verse.”

Locate the Bible-learning activity “Make a stand-up verse” on page 10-BTH in your leader guide. (These are the additional “Bonus Teaching Hour” activities in the back of the book.) The following suggestion is a small change to the activity. Instead of drawing pictures on the back, place the cards on the table after they have finished copying the verse. Ask the children to make identifying marks (circle, triangle, X, etc.) or use matching stickers in front of and after the words on each of the cards. Then the Bible verse word cards can be put in order by matching the marks/stickers. The activity can become a game for the children when they get home. Provide a small zip-lock bag so each child can take his Bible verse cards home.

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Teaching Ideas for June 21

Bible Story – “Joshua and Jericho” (Joshua 6:1-21)


Babies begin to understand more about their world through their senses (touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, and seeing). Encouraging babies to try new things will enhance their learning. Try placing a toy under a small blanket. Direct a child’s attention to the blanket and gently lift an edge of the blanket. Say, “Can you see something under the blanket?” If you need to continue lifting it until a child sees it, exclaim, “There it is!” Describe the toy once the child sees it. Say, “Thank You, God, for eyes to see the _______________ (identify the toy).” Just as God encouraged the children of Israel, you can encourage the babies you teach as you mention the name of God and say it with a loving tone of voice. You are laying a foundation for spiritual development in these early years! Thank you.

Place tape on the floor in an area where the children can walk. Ask them to place cardboard blocks, two or three blocks high, around the walking area (to represent a wall). Tell a portion of the Bible story as the children walk. Say: “God helped Joshua and the children of Israel by making the wall come down. They did what God wanted them to do. God loved them very much. God loves you.”

Prior to the session and during the session, stack cardboard blocks three blocks high to resemble a wall. Gather a few rhythm instruments from the resource room. When two year olds arrive, they will see the blocks set up. I know what you are thinking—the children will immediately knock them down! What a great segway into the story for the day. Guide the children to stack them up and knock them down. Mention the portion of the Bible story where God told Joshua and his men to walk around the wall. Show two year olds the musical instruments; guide them to walk around the room and play the instruments as they march around the pretend wall.

3s – Pre-K
Gather lunch size brown paper bags, one or two for each child, and newspaper (two sheets per child). Show the children how to open a bag, stuff it with newspaper, and then close the open end so that the bag resembles a stone block. Be sure to print each child’s name on his/her paper block. After the blocks are made, guide the children to combine them to build a “stone wall.” When you tell the Bible story, sit with the new “stone wall” behind you. As a closing activity, allow the children to walk around the wall and pretend to blow horns and gently knock down the wall. Say: “Joshua and the people did what God had asked them to do. They followed God’s instructions each day and the wall fell down. God took care of Joshua and the people.”

The Bible story for today shows us know that God is mighty and takes care of us. He knows what we need. God provided for Joshua and the people. God had something for them to do each day for seven days.

Use the following activity to remind children how God took care of Joshua and the people. Build a block wall. Prepare seven cards. On one side of each card, write the number 1 – 7. On the first six cards, print: “Walk around the wall without saying a word.” On the seventh card print: “March around the wall seven times. On the seventh time, ask a designated ‘priest’ to blow the pretend horn.” Then let all the children shout and knock down the wall. Say, “God wanted Joshua and the people to have the city of Jericho.”

As a child you might remember the Bible story because you sang about it, built a wall, or even blew a pretend trumpet. These activities will help preschoolers remember one more way God provided for the people He loved.

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Teaching Ideas for May 31

IDEAS for Sunday Morning

Bible Story – God Made the Earth (Genesis 1:1-23)


The story for this week is “God Made the Earth.” Babies will enjoy hearing about the things God made. Use conversation this week as you greet the child at the door. Say: “Hi, ______________ (use child’s name), I am so glad God made you. Thank You, God, for ____________ (use the child’s name).” Conversing with a child in a positive, comforting voice will strengthen the relationship you have as he begins to recognize your voice. His mom and dad will be excited to hear you speaking directly to their child first. The interchange will be positive for parents, too.

Talk with the child about things God made as she enters the room. You might have a real flower in a clear plastic jar with the lid closed (and sealed) ready for the child to hold. Remark, “God made the flower for _____________________ (use child’s name).” A child will come to understand more about God by the way you speak of Him and the things only He can do. You might want to provide some wooden inlay puzzles that depict things God made. You can find these puzzles in the Resource Room on the right as you enter.

Gather some items that are used at nighttime and daytime (sunglasses, pajamas, washcloths, stars, sun, shoes, etc.). Place the items in a box or bag. As you take them out, ask children, “Do you use this in the daytime or nighttime?” You might locate pictures of other items from magazines, also. Use the game as an opportunity to say thank you to God for the things He made for us or provided for us. Open the Bible as you tell the story to the children. They will understand that the stories are from the Bible and they are true.

Using a few old file folders, cut shapes of trees, a house, flowers, etc. Then use the file folders like stencils. A preschooler can slip the paper inside the file and trace the shape to create his own kind of picture of his world. Place crayons in the middle of the table so children can take turns with the colors. Children like to create, but they usually ask us to draw for them. The stencil style art work will allow them to draw one all by themselves. Each picture will be different.

Print each of the following numbers on an index card: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. Make a different set of cards on which you have printed: 1. Light, 2. Sky, 3. Dry land, 4. Sun and Moon, 5. Birds and Fish, 6. Animals and Man, 7. God rested. Use the number cards and corresponding creation cards to play a game. Place the numbers on the floor. Place the creation cards in a bag. Ask a child to pull a card from the bag and match it with the correct number for that particular day of creation. Say: “God made the earth for us. We thank God for the earth.”

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Teaching Ideas for May 24

IDEAS for Sunday Morning

Bible Story – Jesus Healed Ten Men  (Luke 17:11-19)

A baby will learn that others love her when her needs are met. Meeting a baby’s need on demand is crucial to her learning trust. Help a baby get to know you better by talking to her. Use words that describe the actions you are engaged in, such as reading a book, looking at a new toy, or singing to her. Sing the chorus to the song “Jesus Loves Me”; this is a great way for a baby to hear the name of Jesus. Also, incorporate the child’s name in the song, such as  “Jesus loves Riley Jo.”

Place a doll in the doll bed. Supply a few cloth bandages for a child to wrap the bandages around the doll. Talk about the story of Jesus’ making the ten men well. Say: “Jesus made ten sick men well. One man came back to say thank you to Jesus.” Pause and then add: “Jesus loved the men. Jesus loves you, too.” A one-year-old may not understand the deep significance of the Bible story, but he can learn that we lovingly care about others. Jesus told us to love one another. As a child pretends to care for the doll, he is role playing taking care of the doll. The connections will continue to be made throughout his life as the child plays out life events in his early years.

Place a Doctor’s Kit in the homeliving area of the room. Wrap a blanket around the doll. Encourage a child to play with the doll using the doctor’s kit. As she holds the doll, say, “(Use the child’s name) can take care of the doll.” Place a few short bandages near the Doctor’s Kit to further encourage pretend play with a “sick” doll. Talk about the story and the ten men that Jesus made well. State that Jesus wants us to love one another.

3s – PreK
Collect ten different items for each child to use in making an art picture. Gather colorful construction paper, glue sticks, paintbrushes (watercolor paints), construction paper shapes (squares, hearts, circles, etc.), watercolor makers, yarn, ribbon, pompoms, various stickers, and a sticker with the words “Love one another.” As the child determines what he will make with the collection of items, say: “Jesus said to love one another. How do we show love for others?” After the child’s responses, ask, “How did Jesus show love to the ten men in today’s Bible story?”

Guide boys and girls to make cards for people who are sick or not feeling well. Gather construction paper, watercolor makers, glue, and paper scraps for decorating the card. You may want to print some examples of things the child might write in their cards. Encourage the children to make cards for people they know who are ill or who need to know someone is thinking about and praying for them. Say: “In our story today Jesus made ten men well. Jesus loved the men and wanted them to be well. Can you think of someone you know who can hear that Jesus loves them?” Close the activity with a prayer for those people who are sick.

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Teaching Ideas for May 17

IDEAS for Sunday Morning

Bible Story – Jesus Showed Love (John 13:1-17)

Let me take this time to tell you this is one of my favorite stories. Each time I read it I am reminded of the times my dad asked me to wash his feet. As he got older, it became more difficult for him to take care of his feet. This simple act made my dad feel so good. As I washed his feet, I thought about Jesus caring for His disciples in such a loving way!

As you prepare for Sunday, read the Scripture verses that record Jesus’ showing love for His disciples by washing their feet. Jesus was very deliberate in what He was teaching His disciples—the unforgettable lesson of servant leadership. Our preschoolers will one day understand the concept, but the foundation of building friendships and relationships will be the start of the concept to “serve.”

Babies & 1s
Babies love it when others take time to talk to them. Talk when you engage in play with a baby and describe the actions of the play (roll the ball, shake the rattle, etc.). He will begin to see that people who care for him want to spend time in play. The beginning of friendship even for a baby is a new level of expanding his world. Have fun helping babies get to know others.

You can help one year olds understand friendship by showing them how to be a friend. By mentioning his friends in the room by name, each child will begin to know and recognize their faces, too. Most ones are playing side by side and not necessarily engaging in play together. Give some opportunities for ones to play with each other by building with blocks. They may take turns in stacking blocks. Say, “We love our friends just like Jesus loved His friends.” Ones will learn about Jesus as you give them an understanding of the things Jesus did. As you play with ones, refer to the Bible story and talk about Jesus. Open the Bible and say, “Our story is from the Bible.”

Place a few items in a bag such as a plate, pretend food item, cup, towel, and small plastic bottle of water. After you have told the Bible story during group time, ask a child to come forward and choose an item from the bag. Invite the child to identify the item and tell how it relates to the Bible story. Recall the story as they children the game. Some may want to do it over again. Repetition is good for remembering. Praise each child when he can recall how the item was used in the story. Say: “I am glad God gave us friends. Would you like to pray for your friend?”

Open the Bible on your lap as you begin to tell the Bible story. Say: “When Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, He told them to help and love one another as He loved them. Jesus wanted His disciples to do for others what He had done for them.” Jesus taught His disciples by showing them what to do. Ask the children to recall ways they can help others, even family members. Print their examples on a large sheet of paper. (You can locate paper in the Resource Room.)

Have fun planning and teaching. I will see you Sunday!


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September 12, 2014

I hope you all are enjoying the hint of fall. It’s coming! Personally, I enjoy living in an area where we get to experience all the seasons of the year. Each brings a different beauty!

Here are a few reminders for the coming weeks.


Preschool Ministry Teacher/Leader Training

We are offering training for our new teachers and leaders who have just begun teaching and for our more experienced leaders. On Sunday, September 21, at 5:00 p.m. you are invited to meet with other teachers like yourself to get some new ideas and learn more about how you can teach our preschoolers about God, Jesus, Church, and the Bible. I hope you will make it a priority. We certainly appreciate all that you do and all that you provide for our children at Brentwood Baptist Church. You will be hearing more about the training in the next week. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


New LIFE Group Opportunities for Preschool Teachers

The adult minister, Jay Fennell, has enlisted a couple who would like to offer a Bible study opportunity for teachers who do not currently attend a Life Group. Of course, you teach on a Sunday morning and may not be connected in Bible study with other adults. Here is your chance to “make new friends.” I think you might have used those words with preschoolers. Here is your invitation to engage with other adults in Bible study.

On Wednesday, October 1 in Room 2062 at 6:15 p.m. a LIFE Group is launching that will specifically target Sunday morning workers who are not currently connected to a group. The group leaders are Mardon and Richelle Day, relatively new to BBC, but passionate about leading and investing in people. As Jay and the Days talked about starting a new group, Jay brought up a need that we’ve been wrestling with for over a year now—a LIFE Group for preschool and children’s workers who can’t plug in on Sundays because of their responsibilities with children. Mardon lit up as I described that need because he and Richelle have served in that capacity and know what it feels like.

A few words from Mardon:

Richelle and I have been married for 23-years and have two daughters, Elizabeth (14), and Emily (10).  We are new to the Brentwood Baptist Church family.  In our previous church home, we had the joy of leading an adult Bible study for 7 years.  We are passionate about the importance of discipleship in each believer’s life.  Our goal is to live out Romans chapter 12 which emphasizes the importance of our lives being a living sacrifice to our Creator as we humbly serve in the body of Christ, putting His love and grace into action each and every day.  

See you Sunday!

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August 29, 2014



When you arrive on Sunday, you will see new carpet in the Preschool hallway. The carpet will be done in sections, so bear with us as we make progress. I know this has been a long time coming. You will see green and brown carpet that depicts a pathway through the grass. We are building toward a “Woodland” theme. This Sunday you will see posters of the theme, so take a minute to look at them.


STEP RIGHT UP to Serve Campaign

We are making progress in the enlistment campaign. We have started our talks with prospective teachers, taking them through their orientation and training. God is providing! Thank you for praying, but don’t stop now. I am grateful for those who have stepped up and followed God’s call to teach.

I am equally grateful for you, too. You are indeed an example to others. So many parents have stopped me and Sandra to say how grateful they are for their children’s teachers. Thank you, thank you! God truly is using us to help lay a foundation for spiritual development for all of our children. Teachers in KidLife, BYCS and those of you in Sunday School are working hard to minister, not only to our preschoolers, but to their parents.

Have a safe and restful weekend.  See you all on Sunday!


Your Preschool Staff
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